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Hydration Rap Song - Hydrate... Feel Great!

Hydration Rap Song - Hydrate... Feel Great!

Creator: @7motivation

πŸ‘† Click above to play video πŸ‘†

How did that video make you feel about your situation?

  • What action might you want to take?
  • Type below to see your thoughts (just for fun).
  • Or you can use the 7Cups Notes Tool (click HERE) to save them. 

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  • Set reminders by first open a Noni CHAT and use the blue bubble menu button

Here are topics in the song if you need ideas to think about:

  1. thirsty, drank 
  2. wake up, drank
  3. work out, drank 
  4. sweat loss, drank 
  5. chronic dehydration
  6. color of urine, clear, dark
  7. water drinking habits
  8. soda habit give up
  9. sugar, caffeine
  10. body cell needs
  11. healthy guidelines advice
  12. quench thirst
  13. fill up a few bottles
  14. sip throughout the day
  15. lethargic feelings from deyhdration go away

Note: drink safe amounts of water only, not excess 

Also maybe... 

Also maybe... 

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πŸ‘†Click above to play videoπŸ‘†