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How to Set and Achieve Principles Based Goals

Creator: @Hope
  1. Create Context Goals

You can do so by using the what, why, and how techniques mentioned above. For example:


2. Keeping a ‘Perhaps’ List

The perhaps list allows you to consider goals that you are not sure about without risking integrity.

3. Setting Weekly Goals

Five characteristics of effective weekly goals are:

  • They’re driven by conscience: Make sure your goal is in harmony with your inner thoughts and not driven by urgency. You do not need to set a weekly goal for each role.
  • They’re often Quadrant II goals
  • They reflect our four basic needs and capacitie
  • They’re in our Center of Focus
  • They’re either determinations or concentrations: Determinations are things you are determined to do no matter what and concentratios are things you focus your efforts on. Your integrity is at risk when something is a determination but it not at risk when you are concentrated on something.

Creating Synergy among goals

It is important to remember that the goal is not to squeeze in as much work as possible in as little time as possible. You can also merge goals like partner role where you are spending time with the partner and a sharpening the saw role where you are also working on your health by going out for a healthy lunch and a walk after.

Created by @SunshineNaina

Fifth point in "setting weekly goals" is unclear. Is it at risk when it is a part of determination but not concentration? Also, what if something is not a part of determination but is a part of concentration- is that at risk or not at risk?