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How to Increase Courage: Mantras

In this step, we’re exploring small tricks and habits that can help increase levels of our courage, starting with Mantras or Positive affirmations.

Creator: @PuzichkinCat

There are many small tricks and habits that can help increase your courage. 

Some habits might focus on ideas adjacent to courage such as improving self-confidence or reducing anxiety. It is important to remember that not every habit may be a good fit for you, so choose the ones that are the best fit for you and your lifestyle and adapt them to suit your own needs.



Mantras, or the sustained repetition of a set of words or phonemes, are an ancient tradition that transcends cultural and religious boundaries. Today, mantras are recognized as a powerful meditation and therapy tool, and can be used to promote courage within ourselves.

An example of a courage promoting mantra is:

“I am not afraid of my fear.”

Some more examples of courage promoting mantras can be found here!

Sources and more information


Identify a mantra, an affirmation or just a phrase that is meaningful to you, or one that you can identify with. Try to recite it a couple of times and note how it makes you feel.

Take a moment to reflect back on this prompt. You can write about it in your journal or in the text box below.