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1. How can you communicate your personal boundaries?

Creator: @RumpleSteeleSkin

Our emotional health is related to the health of our boundaries. It is important to recognize your needs and enforce limits to protect your self-esteem and maintain self-respect. Healthy boundaries allow us to choose what we want to let in and what to keep out. You can determine to exclude meanness and hostility and let in affection, kindness, and positivity.

Personal boundaries are the limits you decide work for you on how people can treat you, how they can behave around you, and what they can expect from you. Read how you can communicate your personal boundaries and answer the following questions below:

1. How can you communicate your personal boundaries?

2. Be direct and say what you need to ensure there is no miscommunication3. Be clear on what you believe is the moral or valued way of thinking and acting, and “stick to your guns.”

3. Be fair to yourself and to the other person. Remember to validate your own feelings and wishes, as well as the feelings and wishes of the other person.

4. Don’t Over-Apologize for tasks you cannot fulfil.

5. Be Truthful

6. Give yourself the permission to set boundaries and work to preserve them without feeling any guilt or shame

Questions to reflect on:

1.What are your needs to feel happy and alive?

2. Are you someone who feels like you have to say “yes” to everything that comes your way even when it feels like a big NO? Why so?


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