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High Warmth & High Expectations - How?

Creator: @FrenchToast

7 Cups requires both high warmth and high expectations. We set clear expectations through objectives and key results (OKRs). Let’s dwell a little more into that.

What is high warmth? It means to provide team members with a space that allows them to take risks and then grow through whatever they learn from taking that risk. It means to be positive about whatever step that is being taken and also to deal with the consequences in an encouraging and supportive manner.

What is high expectations? We strive to give help when asked, because we understand that we are all collectively responsible for the success of our mission. We do not try to avoid problems or explain them away. We face them directly and we work to overcome them. Our accountability comes from the recognition of the fact that if we do not deliver more people in need will be left without help taking us away from our mission.

Something to think about: Let’s take a scenario. A team member wants to try a new structure for the project you are leading. It looks somewhat feasible but due to certain factors, it backfires! How would you react? How would you approach the team member?