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Happiness Scale

Creator: @Hope

Every day we do countless things and too often we think about the negative things and ignore the little things that bring us joy. 

Happiness here can mean joy, a positive feeling. Once you have ranked all items, take a look at the items you ranked as bringing you the most happiness and see if you can try and do more of that. Then look at the items that you ranked low and ask yourself if you really need to do those things and if you do then is there a way you can somehow bump it up the scale (perhaps by changing the way you do it)

For example, Anna ranked her daily cup of coffee as an 8 on her happiness scale so she decided to be more mindful of that moment and remove any distractions from her coffee time. She ranked studying for tests as 2 on her scale. Upon further reflection, she noticed that it's her last-minute studying that made the task so low on the scale so she decided to better manage her studying moving forward so the task does not remain so low on the scale. 

Read the instructions above and create the list ranking the happiness score of your daily task and share what you can do to improve the score of the low items AND how can you do more of the things you cherish.