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Fish Pose

Creator: @FrenchToast

Fish Pose is a great stretch of the thoracic spine, the chest and the shoulders, and is also a great heart opener. It is the “destroyer of all diseases” and helps relieve anxiety and stress.

Let’s try it:

  1. Begin on your back with your legs extended and your feet together
  2. Lift your chest and shoulders and rest on your forearms – palms remain flat
  3. Begin to move the hips closer to your elbows to create a bend in the spine and allow the crown of your head to rest on the mat
  4. Lift your right hip and place your right hand under your hip, then lift the left hip and place the left hand under your left hip
  5. Your intention is to bring your pinky fingers to touch just below your glutes
  6. Remain here for 5-10 full breaths