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Evaluate your workload periodically

Creator: @Hope

It is important to periodically review your workload and determine if it is reasonable. You may find yourself taking on more responsibilities and roles as you spend more and more time serving the community. In such a case it is important to be aware of how much you have on your plate and consider removing a few items/tasks if it is too much. This is key in preventing burnout.

We recommend that you set aside time to do a review of your task and roles at least once a month. You can do the review as follows:

  • Write down all of the roles you have and what work you do for each one
  • Next to the roles, write down the amount of time you spend each week on each role
  • Add the total hours and your total roles 

Find an example table below:


Ask yourself if it is a reasonable amount of time to spend on 7 Cups, if the answer is no then do the following.

  • Write down on a scale from 1-10 how much value does each role have for you. The value depends on how fulfilled you feel and how much joy it brings you.
  • Consider dropping the roles that you don’t value that much (the ones you score low)
  • You can also consider spending less time on a role if that is an option


As a general rule, if your value for a role drops below 3/10 then that is an indicator that the role is no longer a positive part of your 7 Cups journey.

If its is between 3-6, then it is worth reaching out to a team lead/mentor to discuss how you can increase the work value and discuss any challenges you are facing.

Please find the template for the review here.

This a very important step and it will repeat so you can be reminded of doing this review.