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Evaluate your week

Creator: @Hope

Come up with a list of questions that help you evaluate if your week has been in accordance with your principles and if anything needs to be changed moving forward. You can also use the following questions to get started.

  • How much of my time was spent in Quadrant II? Quadrant I? Quadrant III? Quadrant IV?
  • Was accomplishing these goals the best use of my time?
  • Did meeting these goals add to my Personal Integrity Account?
  • Which goals did I not achieve?
  • What kept me from accomplishing these goals?
  • As a result of the choices I made, did I use my time in better ways than I had Planned?
  • Did my choices make deposits or withdrawals from my Personal Integrity Account?
  • What unmet goals should I carry into the coming week?Did I take time for renewal, reflection, and recommitment? 

The week as part of a greater whole

Understand that you also need to detect bigger patterns through your evaluation of the week. Use the following questions:

  • What patterns of success or failure do I see in setting and achieving goals?
  • Am I setting goals that are realistic but challenging?
  • What keeps getting in the way of accomplishing my goals?
  • Am I creating unrealistic expectations? How can I modify them?

Please refer to the book for more questions.

Power of the Process

Follow the following steps to put the first things first in your life

  • Connect to your mission
  • Review your roles
  • Identify your goals
  • Exercise integrity (This helps you utilize the space between stimulus and response)
  • Evaluate (empowers you to learn from your weeks)