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End of the Developing Courage Challenge

This step celebrates your hard work and efforts and allows you to continue your journey towards building courage with a personal plan.

Creator: @PuzichkinCat

Congratulations! You have made it to the end of the Developing Courage Challenge!


It takes courage to have started this pathway, and finishing it is a momentous step on your journey to overcoming your doubts and fears. There is just one more step to complete before you’re finished.

We are challenging you to develop your Personal Courage Plan.

This plan merges the concepts you have learned throughout this pathway into three short steps or reminders you can return to when you need to.

Step (1) Choose a definition of courage that speaks to you!
This can be one of you wrote yourself, one of the quotes that we shared, or another quote you found elsewhere. The important thing is that you identify with the definition of courage it provides. Write this definition down somewhere safe, so you can return to it and adapt it as you grow and change.

Step (2) Reflect.
A concept that we returned to again and again throughout this pathway is the importance of reflecting on your fears and your personal courage. We challenge you to be vulnerable and identify one challenging question you can ask yourself moving forward to ensure you are consistently engaging with your fears rather than avoiding them. Examples of questions are:“What have I done lately that pushed me out of my comfort zone?”“Is there anything that I said “no” to recently that was motivated by fear?” “Am I living my most courageous life right now?”

Write your question below your definition of courage. Choose a time frame that you would like to return to that question - it could be weekly, monthly, yearly, etc. You can set a reminder in your calendar if you think that would help you remember.

Step (3) Identify 5 more small steps!

Now that you have taken the leap and accomplished your one small step towards overcoming your fear, it’s time to push yourself even further! Here is where you will write down five more small steps you can take towards living a more fearless life. You may choose five steps towards a big goal, or five separate things you can do to live a more courageous lifestyle.

Remember - these are small steps! You might feel empowered to write down your big goals, but, while it’s easy to remember your dreams, it can be harder to start taking those small steps towards accomplishing them. By focusing on the day to day, you ensure you do not get lost in your apprehension and continue growing.


Create your Personal Courage Plan

Use the prompts in this step to help you alonng. You can jot down your plan in your journal or in the text box below.

Thank you for taking this journey towards developing courage with us 

-Best wishes,
AnnaTess & PuzichkinCat