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Differentiating between QI and QIII

Creator: @Hope

To differentiate between the QI and III, ask yourself if the activity is contributing toward an important goal. If it is not then it is an activity that belongs in QIII. It is to be noted that spending most of your time in QI and QII is not bad at all, this is where you should be spending a majority of your time as it is all-important stuff. The author insists that we need to take time away from QIII and dedicate it to QII activities.

The question we can ask ourselves to determine where to focus our efforts is:

What is the one activity that you know if you did superbly well and consistently would have significant positive results in your professional or work life?

The author found out that when asked this question, most likely the answers are to fall in the QII but people have a hard time pursuing them as they are not urgent. When one spends more time in QI and QII, it leads to less crisis and therefore less time spent in QI and more time available for QII so it is a positive cycle once it gets going.