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Delegate: Why, What, and How?

Creator: @FrenchToast

To be an efficient leader, you have to delegate well. It’s extremely important to understand that you cannot do everything. You might want to but that’s nearly impossible and it creates stress. There are four reasons to delegate:

  • You acknowledge that you cannot do everything. Delegating will give you more time to work on new things or even things that are of higher priority.
  • Many times delegating provides a better way of doing a task. Stimulating that new creativity coming from a different mind is good and healthy for a project!
  • It increases trust. When you delegate, it shows that you trust your team members to do the tasks and that will make you more approachable!
  • When strategically done, it can help you develop the team members. Help them with their personal and professional development goals!

The next few steps will reflect on why delegating is important and how to do it!
