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Being positive

Creator: @FrenchToast

The most important thing as a leader is to create a positive environment for the team and for the project! This will help you motivate them and it will help them approach you with an open mind about anything. Ways to stay positive are but not limited to:

  1. Show compassion. It means that you are noticing any pain they have experienced; you are expressing care and concern for them. A good leader will be appreciated for the times they were there for a team member.
  2. Facilitate forgiveness. Acknowledging the hurt, identifying a purpose to which your team members can look forward, legitimizing use of positive language when something goes wrong can take you a long way as a leader. Instead of saying, “That’s awful, I don’t know how I would survive if I was in your place,” say, “I am sorry you went through that. I am here to listen and help you create a plan to deal with this.”
  3. Express gratitude. Frequently so! It creates more respectful and supportive relationships, which will enhance the entire team’s performance.
  4. Virtues. Associate the work that you and your team does to a virtue that means that you are impacting something larger positively. Highlighting that relationship between your efforts and compassion, generosity, and or meaningfulness.
