i was on tumblr and a post was reblogged saying if you need to talk to someone 7 cups was a place you can talk for free and its a double blind site.
tumblr also got me here <3
tumblr bought me here.
There where times when I was having a deep depression,it was really horrible time.And,I was searching on tumblr for sort of pics with themes like: suicide,cutting,die etc. I think I'm not the first one to get here this way,but I'm really thankful for it,because of that I've meet a lot of great people,I've been helped.
tumblr broght me here but at the same time tumblr made me more depressed
Same for me, tumblr brought me here. It's funny because it was a time when I needed to be heard and didn't realize that talking and help strangers helped me quite a lot. So glad I found you :)
I saw a post on tumblr refering to here. Still iffy on how good this site is.
Lol the one half of 7CupsOfTea listeners and members heard about it through tumblr
One night I wanted to look at the depression tag on tumblr, I knew I probably shouldn't look at it, but I was going to anyways. A PSA popped up, and suggested 7cups, and I've been in love ever sense
I was browsing the "help" section in Tumblr. I wandered into the links in About... and they have a whole list of supports! this one felt right, approchable, simple, and achievable. So here I am.