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Does responsibility make you nervous? Let me know!!

Resourcefulsouth November 7th, 2019


Honestly... I feel nervous, but at the same time, I enjoy the feeling of nervousness a little bit. It somehow encourages me to handle the responsibility well.

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 10th, 2019


Wonderful :) It seems to me that you handle stress pretty well, don't you?

Resourcefulsouth November 10th, 2019


Most of the time...yes!(exceptions are everywhere).

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 10th, 2019


Would you like to share some tips?

Listeners Feedback -> Slightly smiling

Resourcefulsouth November 10th, 2019


I am not good at giving suggestions 😅 ..but

First : There is a dialogue in an Bollywood movie(3 idiots) : "all is well". I say it again and again in my mind whenever I feel stressed out coz of responsibility.(this literally helps me(•‿•).

Second..resting time is a must(nothing good will come out of being always panicked). So, have a nice sleep or take some rest ..then start doing your assigned task.

Last...that fear of incompletion of task automatically encourages us to do our work. Make it a challenge and it's all done.

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 10th, 2019







Tips!!! Thumbs upClapping hands

Listeners Feedback -> Slightly smiling

JohnDoe00 August 22nd, 2019

Depends on the grade of the situation or the severity.

In my personal case it makes me nervous since i need to be at the height of the task, sometimes i doubt (a lot) of myself but i try to endure and keep forward.

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP October 18th, 2019



"Know the causes of your feelings."

imhope666 August 31st, 2019


I feel a little nervous, if I'm doing it for the first time. But I do it any way, the only way to become confident is to continue doing it, even if you are nervous or scared to do it.

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP October 18th, 2019



"Challenge your thoughts."

piecefulzen October 18th, 2019

If the responsibilty is something that I'm afraid to do

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP October 18th, 2019




Aayla October 19th, 2019

It does! However, I try to tell myself that being nervous about responsibilities means I care for it deeply, so I'll try to give my best for it.

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP October 19th, 2019



"Address family issues."

allmyuwus1209 November 10th, 2019

@Aayla that's a really good way of looking at it actually... I might try this!

TeenyTinyAppy November 7th, 2019


it really does...and scares me too

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 7th, 2019


When considering "Responsibility", what makes you nervous about it? And what scares you?

Responsibility Slightly smiling

TeenyTinyAppy November 7th, 2019


Past failures due to my mental health issues is what makes me nervous when I am responsible to do anything. I fear that I won't be able to do something neccessary and will suffer the consequences of that inability. Ex. It is time to pay my rent but I have agoraphobia. I get nervous because I am going to have to get a money order and turn it in to my apartment manager. That nervousness turns to fear of failure when I begin to go out and the panic sets in from having to go outside of my home. Yes there are other solutions that Ican utilize, but it doesn't stop me from going through the initial nervousness, anxiety and fear. I hope that helps you understand where I was coming from. :)

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 7th, 2019


Yes. I understand. Thanks so much for sharing here Slightly smiling

It is great that there are other solutions you can use to feel less nervous.

Wha about the copying techniques? Which ones do you feel comfortable using on such situations?

Responsibility Slightly smiling

TeenyTinyAppy November 9th, 2019


Honestly, I don't know too many techniques. Right now Iam taking a mindfulness class online which has been proven helpful for many people who have trauma related disorders.. For the moment, I ask for help if Ineed it but most times I push through and do what I am not comfortable with and just deal with the consequences later.

I have not been able to get much professional help in the past so I am really just learning how to cope a little bit better than I was.

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 10th, 2019


Excellent!! Can you share the link to the mindfulness class online you are taking?


TeenyTinyAppy November 10th, 2019


It is a free course and is work at your pace. You can pay if you want the certificate but you don't have to...there are no strings attatched and a whole lot of information on the site. I have done the introduction and corresponded with the instructor to join their private facebook community (He has that set up for students to be able to be supportive and helpful.) It is really pretty great... and for free??

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 11th, 2019



Thanks So Much For Sharing The Link!!

Listeners Feedback -> Slightly smiling

GhitapronoucedRita November 8th, 2019


It does but it would vary depending on what I'm responsible of and how important it is.

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 9th, 2019


I understand Slightly smiling Would you like sharing some examples, and the copying techniques that you use?

Responsibility Slightly smiling

GhitapronoucedRita November 9th, 2019


I think the best way to cope with responsibility is information. I personally try to know as much as possible and gather as many information about what it's about and what it implies. Along the way, you end up finding out about similar cases or about other related experiences which definitely help and inspire you or sometimes it tells what to avoid etc.

GhitapronoucedRita November 9th, 2019


No problem 🤗

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 9th, 2019



amiablePeace77 November 9th, 2019


Responsability mixed with time pressure can make me nervous. What helps me is to meditate and use positive mantras so that I get into a calmer mode and to make lists, what to do when, get it organized.

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 10th, 2019


Awesome!! Lists work for me as well yes

What mantras do you use?

amiablePeace77 November 11th, 2019


One of my mantras I have for a very long time (after having overcome something) is:

You Can Do It


allmyuwus1209 November 10th, 2019

Having responsibility makes me really nervous. I have a difficult time with verbal instructions, so I never know if I'm doing things the right way. I always feel like I'm going to or like I have let everyone down. T'is unfortunate my dudes.

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 11th, 2019


Thanks so much for sharing this.

You mentioned you have a difficult time with verbal instructions. How have you coped with that?

Listeners Feedback -> Slightly smiling

proactiveCity5170 November 11th, 2019

@imabigfatmess.... I'm responsible for a lot. I signed up for a leadership training program. Mosday I feel like fee like a total mess. it as challenging as I can take!

ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp OP November 11th, 2019


That's awesome!! What leadership training program did you sign up for?

Listeners Feedback -> Slightly smiling

proactiveCity5170 November 12th, 2019


The program is with a management company the division is lodging and leisure. I'm at a remote location with astounding natural beauty and a fantastic historic lodge. Just where I wanted to be, what I worked for, and got. Somehow though, I've lost that drive and determination that got me here.