Queer and neurodivergent
Hi! I'm gender fluid, bisexual and borderline. My pronouns are she/they/he. I feel no one around me understands me and I'm looking for someone who does.
I like reading and writing. I love cats. I spend most of my time daydreaming and sometimes reality seems boring o disappointing.
I would enjoy a good chat so don't feel afraid to write.
Hello! What kind of books do you like to read?
@AriAnKa25 you're so many names
Yo heard you like writing and reading. Do you have any other hobbies you have your sights on for the future?
I know this is old, but I just saw your post now.
im a trans guy, but I feel like my identity is shifting a bit. You can use any pronouns with me
im sorry you feel like no one understands you
I write poetry,,‘more than I read and I also love cats