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Low self esteem

sympatheticDrum2828 January 30th, 2022

Hey everyone... Lately been struggling a lot with low self esteem I literally don't value myself and I feel so bad about it. I keep on comparing myself to other people in every sector of my life and I just feel so inferior. I know it's bad but I can't help but just compare myself. I've gained weight and that makes everything just worse 😭

anonyLemon4233 January 30th, 2022

@sympatheticDrum2828 I feel you. It has become very difficult not to compare ourselves to others when everybody is in eachother's face all the time through social media. I found it helpful for me to get off most social media as it was distressing both to see everyone being active but also because it encourages certain artificiality in portraying reality.

Weight has nothing to do with who you are...but i get your point.

Although at moment i'm very low o n self esteem myself what had started to help me before I relapsed into depression was a path of self-compassion - I had started with loving kindness meditation (you can find many online) but if you find a therapist specialising in self compassion and you feel it is the right person to guide you I would suggest you try. I took a break as had to start focusing on trauma therapy but I feel we really all should have been taught the basics of self-kindness from our youngest age as low self esteem is such a burden and so widespread it feels like a pandemic...

We need to learn and re=learn how to be kind to ourselves and I wish you to find a healing path so you can proceed to appreciate yourself for who you are

sympatheticDrum2828 OP January 30th, 2022

It has been a month actually since I've left social media. I don't even know how I feel about everything. I thought I'd stop feeling low but still no major change.

I know weight doesn't define who we are but I don't know how to love myself. I feel people would like me because I don't have a flat tummy and I don't feel beautiful anymore...

Thank you so much. I will definitely look up the loving kindness meditation (didn't know it existed).. About talking to someone I'm really scared to open up about my insecurities that I have with my body.

anonyLemon4233 January 30th, 2022

@sympatheticDrum2828 would you like to say more about what makes you feel uneasy about opening up to a therapist?

Keep in mind that therapists woukd have heard and seen all types of insecurities and trauma and what now so don't be afraid that they will be surprised or judgemental. Or is there another reason maybe?

In the meantime you can always open up here to a Listener as well if you are hesitant about therapy for now.

In truth all that really matters in the end is how we see ourselves rather than how we think others see us.

anonyLemon4233 January 30th, 2022

@sympatheticDrum2828 Have a look at this link too maybe you find something useful:

sympatheticDrum2828 OP January 30th, 2022

Thank you very much... Doing that rn