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Introducing myself

tidyWriter8396 December 25th, 2020

Hi, I'm a newbie. My therapist suggested this site. I'm glad to be here.

I'm brought here by loneliness. My fiancé left me 5 days ago. I'm completely heart broken. I love her so much. That said, every person has their own autonomy in life.

So that means I'm living alone for the first time ever. I used to just get into another relationship super fast. I'm trying to be alone and ok this time.

It's challenging because I have to rely on myself for everything. But my therapist says it will make me a stronger person to be independent.

The hard part is being alone with just myself to talk to. So that's why I'm here. To connect with others.

irridensence December 25th, 2020


Hi, welcome! 👋

I'm rather new as well. Very sorry to hear about your breakup. I can definitely relate to not knowing how to be alone.

I hope you find the site helpful!

Peace and love


tidyWriter8396 OP December 25th, 2020


Thanks. How have you handled being alone?

irridensence December 25th, 2020


Well I'm still not very good at it, haha.. Trying new hobbies, may help. I like video games, reality TV, sometimes I journal.

I recently started volunteering at a ranch. I've already grown to love the horses and helping with equine therapy. Maybe you should look for volunteer opportunities. My can be distracting and fulfilling. Plus you meet new people.

I know that's not much in terms of advice but I hope it helps!

tidyWriter8396 OP December 25th, 2020


No thats really helpful smiley

What's your fave reality show?

Any good books?

I'm just trying to keep busy

I'm planning on volunteering as a peer support worker in mental health once they open up again after covid

Thanks for your kindness smiley

irridensence December 25th, 2020


Hmmmm, I really like Catfish. Which is where this guy and his friend get letters asking for help investigating online relationships with people who may not be who they claim to be. Sometimes its sweet and sometimes its sad and sometimes its shocking, but all in the name of love, lol.

I'm also watching 60 days in right now which is a show where they put regular volunteered people in jail to snoop. It's super crazy, I don't even know if I'd suggest it to the normal person. I'm a little desensitized maybe.

Books hmm, I really don't read much. I wish I was a reader. If you like poetry narativesyou might like Ellen Hopkins books. The content also tends to be pretty heavy, but they were page turners for me and I've got extreme ADD/ lack of motivation issues.

I'm reading a book right now on the neuroscience behind Buddhism. Super-duper interesting, and not heaily wordy either. It's as simple as neuro science and Buddhism can get get. But its taking me a very long time to get into. I want to take notes and highlight important information while I ready but again ADD/lack of motivation have me procrastinating.

Cross stitching and embroidery kits can also be really neat ways to stay busy. I used to do it listening to movies or watching TV.

That sounds like a great opportunity! Hopefully COVID will be done with soon!

tidyWriter8396 OP December 25th, 2020


Neat... that book on Neuroscience and Buddhism will be cool!

I used to cross stitch and embroider. I think I'll get back into it

Offers hug