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I'm most likely going to get a lot of hate for this..........

AJayZa October 16th, 2018

Hello. My name is Arielle and, I believe in the Holy Bible. Before I say anything else, I will make this clear: I DO NOT HATE THE PEOPLE WITHIN THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY. Although, I do not agree with lots of the things that they do. Yes, I do believe that God made humans to be a certain way and that queer is not one of them. Yes, I [disagree with] some of the things that LGBTQ+ people do but, I also say the same for people who curse or, are gluttonous or, get drunk, etc. So, the point of this is, hi. I'm Arielle and, I believe in the Bible and, if you hate me then, I'm sorry but, yea.

[MonBon edited for Guideline 1: Offensive Content]

StrivingSoul October 16th, 2018


immaddie October 16th, 2018

@AJayZa I don't think you should be hated for having a belief? Disagreeing with an ideology doesn't mean you hate the people. If you respect them for having the ideology, they should respect you too.

FoxPrince October 16th, 2018

@AJayZa I'm not too sure what the point of this is? This is a support forum, not a share your personal beliefs forum. Saying "I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this" kind of just tells me you're looking for hate, like you want to egg someone on? I don't get it. You're allowed to not agree with something, you're even allowed to downright hate the LGBTQ community, people are just allowed to have personal opinions. But I'm not really seeing the point of posting this?

StrivingSoul October 17th, 2018

@FoxPrince The point is attention which she certainly got.

Phthalo October 16th, 2018

The people who are the most outspoken against LGBTQ+ are often revealed to be very, very closeted. Explosively closeted. Think Ted Haggard. Etc.

MonBon October 17th, 2018


Hi there! Welcome to the community ^^

Unfortunately, I had to move your post to a more appropriate location and edit it a tiny bit. On 7 cups we are here to be supportive of others regardless of their background. Not everyone is going to agree with other's lifestyles, and that's okay! However, it is not okay to go into the space dedicated to support someone and announce that you do not support them.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

FoxPrince October 17th, 2018

thank you @MonBon heart

kwabena28 October 17th, 2018

@AJayZa Everyone's opinion is valid,i dont think you should be hated for having a believe or a religion, i believe if we are all respectful of each others opinions and ways of life and treat everyone decently,we wouldnt have all the chaos we have in the world at the moment.

practicalIdeal2007 October 17th, 2018


Hi, I'm a part of the LGBTQ+ community and it's okay if you don't agree with who I am. I respect your right to hold views that are different than mine. I don't hate you for what you believe. I wish you the best.