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Feeling alone in a world full of people

AquarianTaii March 21st, 2022

As the title reads I'm feeling alone in a world full of people. I'm depressed at the loss/realization that the people who made me did a terrible job raising me. I have lived through trauma after trauma. Waves of depression and u diagnosed ADHD since childhood. The docs said to put me on Ritalin ans Lithium at 9! So a LOT of mistrust there. It feels like whenever I try and better myself AT ALL its met with "your not good enough! It's not good enough!! What you make isn't good enough BLAH BLAH does it better so why bother!!" My entire life has been me trying my hardest to do what everyone else wants me to do but never what I want. So if I do it's met with regrets. I feel so poorly of myself that I stopped tlreally even trying. I mostly just coast through yeah there's the summary of my life...hello by the way. I'm "AquarianTaii" and I'm feeling like I'm wearing a mask to each and every conversation I have with everyone cause I'm afraid of how people will react to the REAL me.

AquarianTaii OP March 21st, 2022

Sorry for the huge gap at the end. Idk why my phone does that...

hound2021 March 25th, 2022


Have you tried the 7Cups chat rooms ?

I am inviting to get support in the 7Cups Sharing Circle chat room.

GentlyHarsh April 3rd, 2022


I am also an Aquarius, and I feel I could have written almost exactly what you wrote (minus the ritalin part, which I never went through--but share your distrust of the Rockefeller-funded medical industry, which is the source of these synthetic-substance-worshipping idiots).

To me, a lot of my issues stem from having my time basically stolen from me. "Colonized", as I put it. People or "elders" (who couldn't focus on food, water, shelter to save their life) basically dominated as much of my time as possible, even harping on me for the way I chose to cope in the few scraps I had left to me--then decide to hamfist diagnoses about me when I (surprise surprise!) show signs of disliking that and them.

The moral of my story is this: WE-ARE-NORMAL! Since I have never committed a true crime, the APA--who absolutely has committed crimes--has no place at all to tell me I have a disorder. For what it's worth to you, hear this one voice in the wilderness tell with all my conviction that your feelings are evidence of your sanity, not otherwise! What else could be true in an insane society? For what this advice is worth to you, I have saved whatever is left of my badly harmed sense of self (a healthy ego) by never forgetting that I hate (certain aspects, even a lot, but not all of) society, and not myself! I (and I suspect we) have done the best I/we can considering such a degenerate social scheme. (That sentiment doesn't help me beyond that, to be clear; but it does serve as a good safety mechanism for me to this day! You could even go one further, and build yourself up to the extent that your feelings about the "whirled" might even be evidence of your higher mental-emotional intelligence over others who have chosen incentivized inferiority!)

I hope these words help you and that you also believe we are well-met. This is the single sharp issue that drives me to seek therapeutic relief--left alone and to my own devices, and *poof* I'm totally fine, who could imagine that??? As soon as I'm around crazy people, suddently I appear crazy? I don't think so.

EmbStitcher33 April 3rd, 2022


It sounds like you've listened to everyone around you and not that loving voice inside you, your higher self that knows you are a very precious human being. If I listened to all the crap people say about me in front or behind my back, I'd be in a very deep hole. I've experienced trauma after trauma growing up too. It's not easy growing up and out of that, but I have been able to bring some joy to my life. I am my biggest critic too. But that critic can be shelved. I look at myself and how awesomely I was made, and the world around me...I love watching birds, and watching puffy clouds at times gives me a sense of calm and peace. The creator of all this around me, and inside me must be a very loving being/spirit. I've been able to weed a lot of myself out of the jungle of my past. I'm still a work in progress but I've done enough to know 'I'm enough.' Keep coming here. Find a listener and do some 'unloading.' It might help. There's some great live chats events too. You're not alone. No one on this site is going to judge you. Thank you for opening up. Take care. Keep coming.

NobodyPortant April 15th, 2022

Wow, your post really struck a chord within me.

Feeling lonely/alone even though a person may be surrounded by people.

Feeling the need to wear a mask (a phrase I’ve used many times) to hide the real you.

I’ve struggled with those things for a long time, but this past year it has been very difficult.

mid you feel like you’d like to talk to someone who likely understands much of how you feel and is not judgmental at all, I’d be glad to listen and appreciative of an ear in return.

worldwidecutie11 April 15th, 2022


Hi there !

I would like to know more about you., If you wish..