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Each Day in September

selfconfidentSail3211 September 1st, 2020

Each Day in September .... Day 1

Some days you have to create your own sunshine. winkheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 9th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 9

Sometimes you have to unfollow people in real life. smileyheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 9th, 2020

A little progress each day adds up to big results. winkheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 9th, 2020

Don't let your current circumstances make you think that you're not capable of creating a new reality for yourself.

winkheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 9th, 2020

Love is made of trust, respect, and caring. laughheartmail Unknown

hel07 September 9th, 2020

Each day in September is antagonizing till date.... dunno what happens later.

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 9th, 2020


You are welcome not to follow or post to the thread. Everything isn't for everyone laugh

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 10th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 10

Let go of what you can't change. winkheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 10th, 2020

People who readily attack your confidence and self-esteem are quite aware of your potential, even if you are not.

winkheartmail Wayne Gerard Trotman

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 11th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 11

Pause today for a few seconds and remember those who are no longer with us.

For some moments in life there are no words. heartheartheart David Seltzer

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 13th, 2020

Each Day In September ... Day 12

Tough times never last, but tough people do. winkheartmail Dr. Robert Schuller

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 13th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 13

Strive for progress, not perfection. winkheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 14th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 14

The only people I owe my loyalty to are those who never made me question theirs. winkheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 15th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 15

Respect yourself, love yourself, because there has never been a person like you and there never will be.

winkheartmail Osho

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 16th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 16

Focus on where you want to go, not where you currently are. winkheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 17th, 2020

Each Day in September... Day 17

Work on you, for you. laughheartmail Uknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 17th, 2020

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. winkheartmail Walt Disney

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 17th, 2020

Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you. smileyheartmail Tyrion Lannister

sarahjanetwelve September 17th, 2020

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 18th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 18

Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see. winkheartmail Confucius

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 19th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 19

The grass is greener where you water it. winkheartmail Neil Barringham

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 20th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 20

If it makes you happy it is not a waste of time. laughheartmail

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 21st, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 21

Loyalty and respect go both ways. If they don't return it, they don't deserve it. winkheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 21st, 2020

You teach people how to treat you by what you let them get away with. winkheartmail James Clear

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 21st, 2020

Be selective in your battles for sometimes peace is better than being right. winkheartmail Unknown

enlightenedDreamer9785 September 21st, 2020


selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 22nd, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 22

Don't let someone dim your light, simply because it's shining in their eyes. laughheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 22nd, 2020

Above all else, be true to you. winkheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 22nd, 2020

Don't trade your authenticity for approval. winkheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 23rd, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 23

If you fell down yesterday, stand up today. winkheartmail H.G Wells

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 23rd, 2020

Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. smileyheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 23rd, 2020

Never regret trying hard. winkheartmail Unknown

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 24th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 24

Think good thoughts, speak good words, take good actions. smileyheartmail Rhonda Byrne

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 24th, 2020

Put all excuses aside and remember this: you are capable. laughheartmail Zig Ziglar

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 24th, 2020

You cannot fail at being yourself. winkheartmail Wayne Dyer

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 26th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 25

I am fearless.

I and strong.

I choose to be happy.

I believe in myself.

I refuse to give up.

winkheartmail Motivation

purvanv September 26th, 2020


Everyday may not be beautiful. but there is something beautiful about everyday!

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 27th, 2020


well said wink

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 27th, 2020

Each Day in September... Day 26

I am lovely.

I am adventurous.

I am vibrant.

I am courageous.

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 27th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 27

I am confident.

I am optimistic.

We are who we choose to be. laughheartmail Spiderman

selfconfidentSail3211 OP September 28th, 2020

Each Day in September ... Day 28

There are no mistakes only lessons. winkheartmail Denis Waitley