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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





221Skye September 14th, 2015

Of course, everyone gets kitty hugs! ❤️ *snuggly kitty hug*

amberpsi September 13th, 2015

lazyKatz September 14th, 2015

Its wonderful on here so many HUGS for everyone x

thehoodlum September 15th, 2015

I need a hug and possibly some cake too

221Skye September 15th, 2015

CAKE ❤️ well, just baked one actually so *gives cake* *cozy minion hug*

lazyKatz September 15th, 2015

I'm very anxious today my daughter has just gone into hospital to have her labour induced. I would really benifit from a HUG x

221Skye September 15th, 2015

All the best, I'm sure it'll be alright! Hope you feel better *hugs from everyone* ❤️

lazyKatz September 15th, 2015

Thank you, I love your group HUG picture. x

ihope4ever September 16th, 2015

Huggies heartpleeeeeeeease . * Huggies back *

221Skye September 16th, 2015


Caysea1989 September 16th, 2015

I could really use a hug

221Skye September 20th, 2015

Hey you! Here's a hug from a scottish hottie xD Take careee heart

(It's a tackle hug, brace yourself xP)

Sherly September 17th, 2015

Hugs to all :) I miss this community. 🐼🐼

sincereSailboat7231 September 20th, 2015

i need a hug

glisteningTree50 September 20th, 2015

@sincereSailboat7231 Here you go :) *hugs* Feel better soon!

DrinkMe September 20th, 2015

I'm feeling really awful and stressed currently. I need a hug.

glisteningTree50 September 20th, 2015

@DrinkMe I know you're having a rough time, here's a hug for you :) Hugs!

lovecoolhai September 20th, 2015

my Hugs to All...!!

mystic94 September 20th, 2015

I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in strong meaningful words. Huggies heart

purpleKite5596 September 20th, 2015

All I'm gonna say is I love you all even if I don't know you. I love everything about this community. Well apart from the occasional troller but apart from them I love it all. I love the relationships here even to those that are strangers love or even care about the other members. I love how when im at my lowest I can come here and share my feelings to people and they will listen. And because of all that and more I hug everyone.

Thats right everyone here gets a hug.. Even if this gets ignored. My hug is still waiting to be accepted. I love you and be safe and stay strong.


glisteningTree50 September 20th, 2015

@purpleKite5596 Thanks for this^ You're amazing. Here's one for you too! *hugs*

lazyKatz September 20th, 2015

What a lovely message purplekite, lots of HUGS

musicalSea09 September 20th, 2015

Whomever reads this, know that you are wanted. You are loved. And you are hugged.

ActivelyLearning September 20th, 2015

Hugs to all!! laugh

lazyKatz September 21st, 2015

A warm HUG to all on a gloomy monday. What better way to start a day x

plumSailboat6089 September 21st, 2015

It's not a gloomy Monday for me. Today I have some good energy and I want to share that with everyone today. Hugs to all and think of one good thing that will help you through your day.

ihope4ever September 21st, 2015

(>*o*)> a big hug to all of you .

lazyKatz September 22nd, 2015

HUGS to everyone

Lpmae September 22nd, 2015

🐾Hug for you Guys 🐼

lazyKatz September 22nd, 2015

Everyone on here is kind x

sideshowbob September 24th, 2015

in desperate need of a hug please - my ex has taken my kids away from me and i'm all alone.

EdmondDantes September 24th, 2015

A big gigantic hug to you

lazyKatz September 25th, 2015

Lots of HUGS to everyone x

purpleKite5596 September 25th, 2015

Oh my gosh so much love it's crazy also you guys are awesome XD *huggles again* what I didn't leave a limit to the hugs haha

braveOak6100 September 25th, 2015

I don't need a hug for any particular reason I just haven't had a hug today and I love hugs :)

OxygenOasis September 25th, 2015

I need a hug, so I'm giving you one and sending good energy to you. ❤️

daisylee September 25th, 2015

Hey ! My emotions are all over the place today and i veel like a scared little girl...i need a hug please...

ImElectraHeart September 26th, 2015

Take my huggie! :) <3

ImElectraHeart September 26th, 2015

Hi guys! There are a lot of hugs here but having another one - PLENTY!!!! - from me won't hurt. Know that you are strong, amazing and beautiful!! Ok, huggie, huggie <3 <3

lazyKatz September 26th, 2015

Never too many HUGS on here x