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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





LittleFish56 May 14th, 2015

My girlfriend and I broke up after she cheated on me with someone else whom she says she has feelings with. I love her with all my heart. She means everything to me and I just want her back. I feel so unwanted and unloved. Are there any hugs left for me cause I could really use one.

affectionateMango2695 May 14th, 2015

It's been a while now but... *hugs you as tightly as possible* I know you're having a hard time. It's not easy and it hurts because she means everything to you. * 1000 hugs* Stay strong.

CJSteckDawg May 14th, 2015

*hugs you tightly* I'm here by your side. You sound incredibly kindhearted, and I wish you success in every endeavor you deem important.

sugaryUnicorns48 May 14th, 2015

*gigantic hug*

navySkies4330 May 14th, 2015

I need a hug, I recently started new medication for my anxiety and I just really need support and well wishes!

affectionateMango2695 May 14th, 2015

Crossing my fingers for you. I hope you're doing well with it. *lots of huggles*

gracefulRainbows19 May 14th, 2015

Blessings and warm hugs to you as you adjust to your new medications. Peace, D.

gracefulRainbows19 May 14th, 2015

Blessings and warm hugs to you as you adjust to your new medications. Peace, D.

gracefulRainbows19 May 14th, 2015

Blessings and warm hugs to you as you adjust to your new medications. Peace, D.

Flyingleaves May 14th, 2015

I... I just want a hug..

affectionateMango2695 May 14th, 2015

There you go. \(^.^)/ *hugs for you*

kennedybarrels May 14th, 2015

Lots of hugs to you! Feel free to let me know if you need a listener!

Upbeat May 16th, 2015

Awww *bear hugs leaves*

I'm always there for you no matter what! Feel free to pm me dear!heart

RoseIeroWay May 14th, 2015

i could use one

gracefulRainbows19 May 14th, 2015


DreamerPanda May 14th, 2015

i need a hug :3

RoseIeroWay May 14th, 2015


gracefulRainbows19 May 14th, 2015

Hugga panda!

blissfulStar59 May 14th, 2015

I can has hug?

RoseIeroWay May 14th, 2015


Sabbat May 14th, 2015

Remember that the hug is not the action, but in the intent. The action is just a bonus.

gracefulRainbows19 May 14th, 2015

Here is a bonus for ya! HUGGIES!

msgoldie326 May 14th, 2015

I love a boy who doesn't love me back. Nuff said 😩

gracefulRainbows19 May 14th, 2015

Plenty of hugs waiting to land right on you. Just open your arms....

goldenVision61 May 14th, 2015

Hug to all.

goldenVision61 May 14th, 2015

Hugs to all.

May 14th, 2015

Hugs for me?smileybroken heart

gracefulRainbows19 May 14th, 2015

Hugs for you.

May 14th, 2015

*Hugs back* @gracefulRainbows19 :)

gracefulRainbows19 May 14th, 2015

: D Gee thanks!

May 14th, 2015


doeji May 14th, 2015

I always am in need of a hug :^(

affectionateMango2695 May 14th, 2015

There you have one. Prepare yourself. *fluffy supporting comforting monster hugs*

gracefulRainbows19 May 14th, 2015

Oh, some of the best kind!!! Take them in!

versatileApple4527 May 14th, 2015

I just feel completely alone and like nobody wants to be my friend anymore. And on top of that, I graduate from college on Saturday. I'm supposed to be happy but I can't when the people that have been there from the beginning don't want me. It's going to be a rough few days.

DeepGreenBlue May 14th, 2015

Here's a fluffy small hug from me to you. :-)

May 14th, 2015


May 14th, 2015


gracefulRainbows19 May 14th, 2015

Gentle heartfelt hug all around you....

DeepGreenBlue May 14th, 2015

I'd like a small bear hug, if anyone does those, please. \o/