Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!
Taking one HUG and passing the rest on
I'm 30, and I feel like I'm too screwed up a human being to be attractive to women. I could use a hug.
@Joelidan (((Platy gives Joel a side hug. one arm hug.))) I can empathize with you. Some days I feel really messed up myself. And I would very much like to find the right guy and get married ... but some days I'm not sure if that will ever happen. = Sad Platy. Do you have a pet? Pets help sometimes (not always, you're right). (((Platy gives you a box filled with 10 neatly folded hugs))) Don't use them all in one spot now :) Unless you need to, then by all means all-10-hugs for Joel. Have a super Monday! ~ Platy
@Joelidan Tight hugs -squeeze-!
I kind of need a hug. It's just been a long month.
Tight hugs
@integrityblues Tight hugs -squeeze-!
Extra HUGS for a rainy day x
Just wanted to send Big Hugs to everyone.
Everyone is special and needs a hug after a hard day
@lazyKatz thank you. As always made me feel better
I feel so alone!!
Tight hugs. I am here for you
Ping me if you ever want to talk to someone
@ShadlokVance Tight hugs -squeeze-!
OK!! I love hugs sooooo "GROPU HUF FOR EVERYBODY."
@sunnyZebra2336 Ok Let's try this again. "GROUP HUG FOR EVERYONE"
*seizes the opportunity and takes a hug, waiting to pass one on to another in need*
would love a warm hug <3
@LoyalStrings225 hugs!!!!!
@LoyalStrings225 Tight hug -squeeze-!
Would love to offter someone a HUG but it would have to be a one armed HUG due to an injury
One armed sweet hugs
I appreciate that thank you