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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





MoonGoddess22 March 17th, 2015


divinewillpower86 March 17th, 2015

Well I really wanna hug my furry friends they are every thing to me. They just ease my self and be with me without keeping anything in mind. The true love of my life. Love you buddy- my heart.

Flamingo152 March 17th, 2015

Physical touch is my first love language, so hugs are so meaningful to me. My favorite are the ones where people hold you so close that you can feel them breathing against you, and when you don't feel obligated to let go but feel welcomed in that person's arms for as long as you need. For me, there is no safer feeling.

sincereRaspberries93 March 17th, 2015

I love warm and sweet........Need one now......

Lyra March 17th, 2015


I will put on my fluffiest jumper just for you

sincereRaspberries93 March 18th, 2015

thankyou so much....i need that...feeling very lonely

quitenight March 17th, 2015

May I get a hug please I really need one I just did a post about my past and I have some bad memories coming up

soda March 17th, 2015

Hugs.... *refuses to let go*........ *still hugging*

quitenight March 17th, 2015

Oo thank you ' hugs back'

soda March 17th, 2015

*Still hugging*.... *getting creepy, so finally lets go*

quitenight March 17th, 2015


soda March 17th, 2015

*Still hugging*.... *getting creepy, so finally lets go*

greenBalloon5769 March 17th, 2015

I like to hug people. *hugs everyone reading this* you're all beautiful people who deserve a nice big hug ^_^

theclocksystem March 17th, 2015


LazyFixio March 17th, 2015

Big huuuuuuuuuuuuuugs for you all ! :) :) :)


I'm in a cuddle mood. Lying down, head on someone's chest, with blankets. Maybe watching youtube or listening to music. I wanna feel weightless xDD and that should be enough (ATL fans would understand) *maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year, and I'm so sick of watching as the minutes pass and I go nowhere, and this my reaction to everything I fear, coz ive been going crazy I don't wanna waste another minute here*

Mewmewichigo95 March 17th, 2015

Hi everybody out there. Hugs to you all that needs it. And I certainly do.heart

*Hugs for all of you*

YouCanHas March 18th, 2015

*hugs you back*

LovelyTree March 17th, 2015

My soul needs one of thosehugs that last hooooouuuuuuuurs

greenBalloon5769 March 17th, 2015

*gives hug that lasts for hours*

corina2rod March 17th, 2015

much love to the person that reads this. *HHHHUUUUUUUGGGGSSSS HHHHUUUUUUUGGGGSSSS*

SemanticSatiation March 18th, 2015


If you need a font to draw strength from, let this be it.

GentleSoul33 March 18th, 2015

That is so lovely

March 18th, 2015

This is quite nice to think about. My skin & body are hungry for any sign of affection. Reading here made me smile.


YouCanHas March 18th, 2015

Aww *hugs*

CatinATree March 18th, 2015

Hey! I built a HUG MACHINE, come and get yours!heart

Brenda98 March 18th, 2015


YouCanHas March 18th, 2015

CanIHas? Because want!

CatinATree March 18th, 2015

Of course! That's themachine for!

ThePhoenix123 March 18th, 2015

Get your free ads here! Ads are right here.

ThePhoenix123 March 18th, 2015

I just need a PB for my athletics

Fragilistice March 18th, 2015


*Hugs anyone with open arms*

convivialPenny70 March 18th, 2015

My arms areopen twenty fo seven! (24 hours/ 7 days a week)!Here's a great big hug for youheart

trusty March 18th, 2015

A buggie huggie to you....

baileybaileybailey March 18th, 2015


Blackdoggoawayplease March 18th, 2015

heartIf you are reading this, you've already been huggedsmiley

Cinnamon March 18th, 2015

A big hug to all those that will accept one and can accept one. I am a "huggie" person. I believe in hugs and they go a very long way for me. I hope anyone reading this knows they are not alone. While I am here to receive help, I will also gladly give whatever I can.
{{{{HUGS}}}} to all of you! May you all be blessed, know that you are loved, trust that you are loved and realize that you have a friend.

cee15 March 18th, 2015

Virtual gentle hugs to all. Between my screwed up life now one of my listeners has disappeared for a month with no word. I'm worried. She always tells me when she is going away. This time nothing and it has been a month with no contact from here. Upset and saddened.

VintagePearl March 18th, 2015


Transguy March 18th, 2015

You are all beautiful never forget that you matter! -hugs-