Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!
I could use a couple hugs
I just got into an argument with my boyfriend but while we were making up he stopped talking to me so I just left because all while we were talking he made it seem like he didn
I recently got some blood work done at my doctor's appointment over the weekend. The results came back normal. I was also diagnosed with PTSD and manic depression and was prescribed anti-anxiety meds. I still feel some physical symptoms of my anxiety. Hard to remain at ease when you constantly think something is wrong with you. I need a hug.
I have anxiety too and nobody ever gives a card in the world. Everybody rejects me because of it. Nobody I know thinks it's even a real thing and they think I'm just being selfish. I'm honestly depressed because of this. I understand. π
*holds out arms sadly*
@The1manArmi I am sad too... *Holds out arms and gives you a great big hug we both need .
@CalicoCuddler I love your screen name.