Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!
I need a hug. ;(
@Youarelovedmore: (((hugs)))
and even More (((hugs)))
in fact - here: I am sending you hugs you can take with you all day <3
I want to go to a crowded place and bring a free hugs sign
Hi guys.
I have been trying REALLY hard to get rid of old ED behaviors ...been doing good...but for some reason, yesterday night got the best of me and they came back with a vengeance...did some old behaviors and I want to kick myself in the head for that. I am refusing to self hate over this because today is a new day....I will NOT repeate them again tonight!
but I also want to cry so bad because of last night. And I KNOW, it is a fresh start to try again and do differently.....but...( sobbing) in all honesty, I can feel self hate trying to creep in.
I could really use some major hugs today.
I feel really angry at myself, really out of control with what I did , and really ikd, just , ahhhhh
okay, now I AM crying.
Hugs, please? :(
Crying with you. lets hug and cry it out together. past decisions are hunting me today too. if only time travel was possible. self-condemnation is my ever shadow just waiting for a little attention.
@Jenla68: yes! I will so hug and cry it out with you!
and I also have another great idea to add to it!
today is a new day - and every new day brings us the opportunity to start new: new choices, to work through pain in order to let it go and to be better than we were yesterday!
Maybe after we hug and cry it out - lets make this New day and Better day than past days with new choices, even if the past is haunting us....bc the best way to stop the past from haunting us is to make new informed decisions <3
And thank you so so so so so much for the hug and cry. I realy need that <3 You are wonderful!
What a wonderful message of encouragement. This just what I needed to hear. I just made the decision to move out and away from my ex in January. My exact words were New year, new start. Although we have become friends the sting of the past failure still lingers. It's time to heal completely and open up all the possibilities the future holds.
@Jenla68: OMG! I am so so so happy to hear this wonderful news that you are ready to heal completley and open up all the possibilities that the future can hold <3
This is such exciting and happy news!
It is often dring our darkest times when we think all doors have been shut that one opens up...and that door, is the door to healing and living the life we derserve and are worthy of.
In case you didn't hear that part: You are WORTHY and DESERVE this!
(((big hugs)))
I feel so lonely and really need a hug.
@Alyssa717 *hugs* (i know its not an actual hug but im here for you)
*Offers everyone digital hugs.*
How does this work? Can I actually meet up with someone to get a hug? That'd be great
@Brooke21503 I don't know if we could actually meet, but I'd still like to give you a big hug!
An hug for a lonely guy ? ( makes puppy eyes)
@Ivan96 *hugs*
@Ivan96 Hug!
Free hugs? Virtual free hugs? I mean I prefer real life ones, but internet-love is good too❤️
@Hammy2243 Hug! 💜
I need a hug I'm struggling
Big hug!
@Mmarley91 Hugs!
I need hugs, and I'll give hugs too ^
@NoahCHays Here's a hug!