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halcyonCloud2036 December 29th, 2021

Have you ever been in a chat where it feels like it is not progressing? It can feel like the chat is sort of hitting a wall, not moving forward, just stuck. And at the same time, it feels incomplete?

It happens to all of us from time to time and it not anyone's fault or lack of effort. But if you find yourself in this situation as a listener, I like to be direct and ask "what can I do today to support you in a way that is helpful"?

We are not professional therapists or counselors in our role here as listeners so it is okay to ask for guidance from the member...what can I do to help you?

Do you have any tips or suggestions for moving a chat forward when you feel stuck? Please share 😍

Thanks for being here!

globalBraid3744 December 29th, 2021


I had many chats when I felt this way, especially at the beginning! I think the problem is that lots of listeners want to help the person by moving towards a change. However, this is not always what the person needs or wants. Therefore, I completely agree that asking the question "what can I do today to support you in a way that is helpful"? is very important. Sometimes all the person needs is to vent out and talk to someone who is not going to give them advice or a solution and they only need to feel understood.

Therefore, my advice for listeners who feel this way would be to acknowledge what the person truly needs at the moment and to respect it. Sometimes only being there and listening can do more than trying to solve the ´problem´.

sweetOcean1415 June 9th, 2022

I like your advice. I have felt stuck at times too. I will remember these suggestions.

blueAngel00 November 27th, 2022

I know when I need to talk to someone, I just want validation. I don't need to know I'm right or wrong in what I feel, I just need to know that those emotions are rational or normal or understandable, or just that it's OKAY to feel that way, even if none of the above applies. Because we can't control our feelings, the only thing we can control is how we react to them. But sometimes I need someone to let me know no matter what I'm feeling, it's OKAY, and I shouldn't beat myself up for having feelings, no matter what they are.

The other reason I need to talk to someone is because by talking, I usually start seeing an emotional issue logically, or rationally, instead of emotionally. I don't need anyone to solve my problems for me, I can do it fine by myself, once I take the emotion out of it, and that's what talking to other people does for me.

I'm not a listener, and I'm brand new here, so if my response is completely ludicrous, please pardon me. And PLEASE let me know! I've only made two other posts here, and both were at the wrong time in the wrong way. So apparently I've got a lot to learn. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it immensely. Would a private message be appropriate? There are private messages here, correct?

Told you I have a lot to learn. 🙄

Thanks for reading in any case...
