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Seeking help with trouble signing up as group mod

healingsoul4892 March 15th

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well! I'm currently experiencing some difficulties with my listener journey on 7 Cups and I was hoping to get some guidance from the community.

I've reached a point where my next step is to sign up to become a 'group mod,' but when I click on the link provided, it just says 'item removed.' I'm a bit confused about what to do next.

If anyone has any advice or knows what I should do in this situation, I would really appreciate your help. Also, I apologize in advance if posting this here is against the rules. I want to make sure I'm following all of 7 Cups' guidelines.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Best regards,



Hiya @healingsoul4892 welcome to the community. The forums are for posting, connecting and interacting so no worries, you are absolutely fine posting here.

Being more aware of the guidelines and structure is always helpful though, so here you go: 

♡ Forum handbook

♡ Community/ forum guidelines

Now to answer your question~ where does it say the next step for progressing in your listener journey is to become a group mod?

It probably is one of the suggested leadership roles, one can take up here, if interested. The link to the post likely is an outdated one hence showing item removed. 

Moderator in group chatrooms here is one of the many Leadership roles that listeners can take up (roles available for members too), but stepping up into a leadership role or becoming a group mod is not mandatory in anyway, to progress in your listener role/ journey.

There's different ways of what progress may look like for everyone, some like to explore the chatrooms, forums more outside of the 1-1 chats, to connect with the community in a broader range; do Training courses, connect with Mentors or Listener coaches to gain insight on active listening skills, do practice chats, have someone to guide us in our listener role/ journey, enroll in Academy programs, become a Verified listener, and of course, take up any leadership roles one is interested in/have the time for etc.

I'd like to assure you, however that, you're progressing here each day by being present here as an active listener trying to support someone in need.

Of course, you're allowed your time to explore more and expand on your involvement within the community, if its something you are interested in. 

I see you mentioned having some troubles as a listener, and I want to remind you that you're not alone. Please feel free to reach out to mentors/coaches/ your peers with any questions or assistance anytime needed.

You're welcome to drop me a message anytime as well.

I hope this helps for now. 💛

Text in blue is clickable and will take you to the relevant information about the same. 

healingsoul4892 OP March 15th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for your response. I want to try my best to explain what I mean. When I'm on the 7 Cups website, I see 'Path' at the top center of the page. If I click there, I'm sent to I'm on 'My Progress Path' where it says 'Grow as a listener' on the left side of the screen. It also states that I'm on step 19 of 'My Progress Path.' Then it says: 'Group mods are very valuable as they help, guide & steer the community.' There's a green button right below that says 'Learn more.' When I click on it, I'm directed to this URL:, but it just says: 'Item removed. The content you’re attempting to access has been removed.' So, I can't progress on the path I've been following since I started here. So, I'm kind of stuck in that path. Should I choose another path? I'm not entirely sure how to proceed or if I've done something wrong here. I hope you understand better now the issue I'm experiencing. Apologies again if I didn't explain it well


Oh I see, you're referring specifically about progressing in your growth path, yes, this rephrasing helps explain things better, thank you.

We do have growth paths and it seems you're currently trying to progress via the pre-set growth path for listeners. It is an old one, I think and a lot of links are now outdated or not accessible since those posts maybe removed. (@ASilentObserver @Jon7cups is it possible to update these links/ information in the growth path somehow? as I feel a lot of listeners trying to progress on this path have similar confusions) 

You aren't doing anything wrong.💛 As mentioned in the previous reply too, leadership roles are optional and you don't need to sign up for the group mod role if you want to step up in your growth path. You can find the updated posts in the previous reply though, if you want to check out. 

Kudos for working on your growth path. 

It does get stuck sometimes, a glitch probably, it may help to choose the "Try Something Else" option to have a different step, or ofcourse you can change your growth path and select a new one - community paths, then choose whichever you'd like to try. You can switch between paths as often as you'd like, and, it'll keep progressing, as you complete the steps. 

Also in case needed you can submit technical support report too anytime.

Feel free to ask if you need any further support with this!

healingsoul4892 OP March 15th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you so much for your understanding and helpful response! I really appreciate your explanation and reassurance. It's good to know that I'm not doing anything wrong and that the issue might just be a glitch. I'll definitely consider trying the 'Try Something Else' option or exploring different growth paths to see if that helps. I'll also keep in mind the option to submit a technical support report if needed. Thanks again for your support and guidance!


When in doubt, we can always seek some clarification and support. You did awesome by reaching out for the same.

I am glad this helped and of course, you're very welcome. 😊 Good wishes for your journey ahead.