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Can I turn off General Request alerts but keep alerts for my person messages?

User Profile: AFellowPilgrim
AFellowPilgrim June 1st, 2020

How do I turn off the General Requests Chat Request alerts (which seems to keep sounding off every few seconds to a minute all day long) and still have the alerts sound for the chat or message requests that go to me personally? I'm not going to listen to that constant noise of the General Requests chat alerts all day, and my wife doesn't like to hear it either. I have both a listener account and a member account. I used those to experiment with the Sound Preferences in My Settings.[New Message Alerts (in current chat)] and [New Message & Chat Request Alerts]. It seemed to me that the General Request alerts constantly sounded off in both settings. So, I have just turned the sound off in Sound Preferences under both options.
Is there a better way to do this?

User Profile: generousBreeze169
generousBreeze169 June 2nd, 2020

@AFellowPilgrim i totally get you, like my siblings started getting annoyed because of the notification sound

User Profile: RarelyCharlie
RarelyCharlie June 4th, 2020

@AFellowPilgrim As far as I can tell, 7 Cups doesn't provide a way to do what you want. There seems to be a single sound that's used for three different things—messages, general requests and personal requests.

I believe it could be done by using an external filter. If you (or anyone else reading this) would like to try it, experimentally, and you are using a web browser that allows you to install Tampermonkey, let me know and I'll publish a script that I think will allow the alerts to sound for personal requests but not for the other two.
