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("Atomic Habits" inspired) What is the smallest / easiest things you can tweak about your daily life *today*?

friendlyOwl4300 August 17th, 2022

I feel like we often get so fixated on the ideal / "happy ever after" goal in our heads that we are tirelessly working towards. The book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear made me realize that in my head achieving those goals even in a reasonable timeframe would require me making some pretty drastic changes in my daily live. Chasing this kind of progress has lead to me working very very hard at times and then procrastinating way way too much at times. However, the discussion about marginal gains and how a small change compounded overtime can have significant long-term benefits (which aren't seen in the short term but you start seeing advantages of those changes after a certain "activation period" after which the benefits seem more apparent).

I'd be very interested if anyone would like to share: What is the smallest / easiest thing you can tweak about your daily life today for the better?

innateJoy9602 August 18th, 2022



What a lovely post.

To answer your question, I think I can make time to go for morning walks. I think that will help give me a boost!

Thanks for the post! <3 🌿🌺

belljar3 September 26th, 2022

I'm going to take out 10 minutes to exercise each day.

It's not a lot, but it keeps the momentum going!

NikkiNetik September 26th, 2022

Making my bed in the morning really helps me with my mental health by setting my mindset for the day 😌

September 26th, 2022


What is the smallest /easiest thing you can tweak about your daily life today for the better?

Reduce screen time

slowdecline48 September 26th, 2022

@Helpingheart23 posted one of the best suggestions in this thread...I have to agree. Reducing screen time would benefit me greatly. Yesterday I erased Instagram from my phone. It's not the first time I've done that; have abstained from my account there for weeks at a time. But the last time was a while back...might need to again. Less screen time = more time to do other things, less time watching news about horrible events that are beyond my control, & hopefully a bit more sleep. (That last one is unlikely but a man can dream, can't he?)

September 26th, 2022


Awww, thank you 😊 I'm glad you're doing something that helps you focus on other things that are important to you, while improving your mental health. On that note, I hope you get enough sleep soon.


Olive1Q82 September 26th, 2022


Starting with small, manageable goals works well for me. I try to take into account my mental state too when setting goals. You still need time for yourself to do something that doesn't feel like a chore. :)

At this point, I would be starting over with many of my goals. So, I would want to take it slow so that I don't get overwhelmed, just start procrastinating, and not do anything at all.

I think something many people may not take into account when setting goals is time. Time moves very fast, which can be an advantage, not a disadvantage in this situation.For example, it will be three months into the future before you know it and, at that time, your goals may have (stress-free) doubled or quadrupled if you start small and work your way up in small increments. At the end of last year, I was accomplishing A LOT each day, but that's only because I worked my way up very slowly so once I got to that point, it did not feel like A LOT. It felt like a normal day. :)

kindPomegranate4816 October 11th, 2022

My weight loss and health coach advises everyone to read this book! ❤️ All of the ones I see listed here are good ones for me. I would add, going to sleep at a decent time. For me, that’s getting in bed around 8, reading for an hour and then still having an hour to fall asleep by 10, because that’s how long it takes me 🤷‍♀️

ambitioushope1234 October 11th, 2022

@friendlyOwl4300 to make it a point to not be so negative