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Therapy makes you... Tired?

Turtleonmyleftarm July 26th

Hi everyone,

For the past few months, I've been seeing a psychologist to address some issues related to an eating disorder. In the past, I've also seen a psychologist for anxiety problems, which fortunately have been resolved.

I wanted to ask if any of you also experience extreme fatigue after therapy sessions. Completely exhausted. Drained of energy. Batteries empty.

Every time I go to therapy, I end up crying, and I think that contributes to my exhaustion. In general, I find that one hour of therapy tires me out more than an hour of running! I find it quite incredible!

Because it seems so strange to me and, at the same time, so fascinating, I want to delve deeper and understand if this happens only to me or if any of you feel the same way.

Thanks to anyone who replies!

toughTiger6481 July 27th


You are not alone.... being mentally tired is common for myself as well ... 

Any emotional or mentally thinking through feelings and inner reflection takes a lot out of a person.... i know a argument or long conversation processing incoming and conveying out going thoughts and emotions is tiring. 

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 27th

Thanks for your reply ❤️

It is nice to feel understood and to know others feel the same

competentTruth3079 July 27th

@Turtleonmyleftarm Conversations can be hard for sure. Tough stuff, sorry to hear about the tears for fears. What's the story of your tattoo? Some say it's turtles all the way down. Have you ever seen how turtles stack on top of each other? It's cute. Best wishes friend.

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 28th

I found this tattoo while I was browsing for ideas for something completely different, and it shocked me for how in tune I felt with that small image. It was like I could see myself in the shape of a turtle, trying to keep my head above water and trying to remember to breathe in this difficult moment.

I’ve always felt water was “my place”, and a few years ago I had the chance to swim with turtles in Madagascar and loved the experience and those amazing animals took one of my top spots in my favourite animals’ list. But it wasn’t until I saw the image of that tattoo that I really felt a connection.

Moreover I think it’s a great that it also represents an animal that’s really fragile inside (like I am) that grew a very very thick and hard shell in the outside (like I did) to protect itself.

So there were several things that made me realise “I need to have this tattoo where I can see it, so it can be a reminder of several things and everytime I see it I can be remembered to just breathe, keep swimming, go on…”

competentTruth3079 July 28th

@Turtleonmyleftarm Spirit animal I'd say, that is absolutely amazing and so cool you got to swim with those titan reptiles. Madagascar is beautiful. Turtles live forever too. 200 year old tortoise. Amazing. I love the way you laid out the parallels between yourself and the turtle, shows a deep connection indeed. And the tattoo looks amazing. I'm not one to endorse tattoos but this one has a very special purpose, perhaps covenant between yourself and your healing journey. ❤

Turtleonmyleftarm OP July 28th

I hadn’t thought about it being my spirit animal but now that you said it it feels so right! Thank you!!! And thank you for all the nice words too! ❤️❤️❤️