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Moonlight69 July 31st, 2023

I have a very serious illness and I am very terrified right now๐Ÿ’ข๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿฉธ

RogueOne1983 July 31st, 2023

@Moonlight69 I suggest you might do better listener 1 on 1?

MeaningfulSilence August 2nd, 2023


Hello Moonlight69, sorry to hear that you are dealing with a serious illness.

Hope you have a good health care system to refer to.

Feel free to explore communities and see if any would match better with what you are dealing with in order to find the right support there and comfort in sharing about your situation.

Sending good vibes to you ๐Ÿค—

mimmy1997 August 2nd, 2023

Just be strong

Me too in 2021 i was burnt by gas flame 61%on my body now am left with scars but am strong

Just stay strong you will win this be strong

MeaningfulSilence August 2nd, 2023


Hi mimmy1997, sorry to know that you went through such dramatic event. I admire you for your strength and for being here supporting people ๐Ÿ’™

buildabetterworld August 2nd, 2023


I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through such a challenging time. It's completely understandable to feel terrified in the face of a serious illness. Remember that it's okay to have these emotions and that you don't have to face this alone. Reach out to your loved ones, friends, or a healthcare professional for support. You are stronger than you may realize, and there are people who care and want to help you through this difficult journey. Take one step at a time, and remember that you have the strength to overcome this. Sending you love and strength during this challenging period. ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒŸ

Moonlight69 OP August 5th, 2023

I don't have anyone who cares about me, I'm lonely and hopeless.

I'm sorry I'm so weak!

RogueOne1983 August 5th, 2023

@Moonlight69 keep talking you are in the right place.

I cared enough to reply.

I also am extremely ill. Many challenges. I get that part of it.

Ahmad654987 August 5th, 2023

@Moonlight69 i cares about you bro don't worry be strong :)

Minniebeast August 24th, 2023

@Moonlight69 Being alone is one of the hardest things to do, you made it this far, you are looking for help independently you are strong.

We do need support to get through these things but often times we don't realize that it takes strength to even find support.

I don't know if it help's but I'm new here but I do find some comfort in knowing I came here to find help and it is probably not me but there are people here that will understand what you are going through and will now how to guide you through it.

Ahmad654987 August 5th, 2023

@Moonlight69 Don't worry bro be hard be strong this shall too pass keep fighting

Moonlight69 OP August 13th, 2023

I am a girl bro.

I will definitely keep fighting until I die

trueconfidant123 August 24th, 2023

I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time. It's completely normal to feel scared in a situation like this. Remember, you're not alone, and we have listeners here to listen whenever you need to talk. Feel free to share as much or as little as you're comfortable with. Your feelings are valid, and we are here to support you. Take care.
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