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Me being thin is post traumatic

blueorchid1010 September 11th

I used to be healthy and have a perfect BMI when i was little ... I remember once my grandparents visited for the whole month... They used to bully me... especially my grandfather...he used to say that ... In a very bad way...that look at her how she's eating...why she's eating so much....she didn't even done anything all day...

I always had a fast metabolism so i needed more food than usual...but since then i got really disconnected from wanting to eat anything....

Since body belives that only when i do some productive work ..only then i deserve food...and that's how i lost my appetite ...

Physically my blood tests and everything came out normal...and I'm afraid that it's a mental issues

I still love food but i can't eat much.....

KristenHR Monday


It sounds very frustrating to be in your situation.  Wanting to eat but not having the ability to eat much must be very difficult.  Do you have anyone who you can talk to about?  It sounds like you definitely are concerned about this and I would likely feel the same way.  Have you considered speaking to your family physician or anyone who can help you sort it out?  I know you said that your blood work is fine.  Sometimes eating issues are related to how we are feeling emotionally, and sometimes there are other issues physically.  That's where doctors can help a lot.

I'm really glad you posted.