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I think I am done of being nice with people

Mustafa97e March 16th, 2023

We feel tied...

Perhaps family restrictions, perhaps the long distances,

perhaps the opinions of others, perhaps the eyes and looks of others...

We want to do something else... We feel that there is something between us and ourselves, our freedom...

idk about you guys, but I'm the kind of person who knows exactly what he wants...

I know exactly the cause of my problems and I know exactly how to solve them...but I feel restricted...

I know I can remove the chains, the key is in my hand... But I don't know why I don't free myself...

Perhaps because prison is more merciful to me than the human monsters outside...

Which I am not afraid of... Rather, I am exhausted... And I am afraid that I may cause everyone who encounters me terrible psychological pain...

Maybe because there are so many out there who are lying, selfish, hypocritical...

They tell us not to change, but they change and leave us.

They tell us to be kind to them, but they slowly eat our souls...

They tell us we're the worst... I think I'm good at that thing at least.

I think I am done of being nice with people, until I see that they deserve that...

MidwesternCalmSeeker March 18th, 2023


It is hard to stay open when you feel like others do not return kindness. Being a good person can be a struggle, indeed. Being your best self is all that matters. Take care, and I hope that some very good souls cross your path very soon, those deserving the care you want to share.

1 replies
Mustafa97e OP March 18th, 2023

Thank you

Devinchy March 18th, 2023


this..this is deep.

Directionless99 March 19th, 2023

I can somehow relate to some of this.

HarmoniousBeing March 19th, 2023

@Mustafa97e Sounds excellent to me--being done with being nice. It may appear to sound negative on the surface, but to me, it seems like a good first step to building boundaries of safety, perhaps for an empathic person with porous boundaries. Go for it! I am cheering you on!

ComradeRuhi March 19th, 2023


This couldn't paint the inner conflicts I have been feeling myself any better. We know, as humans, our flaws and exactly where we ought to improve. Yet, despite knowing exactly where and what the issue is, and oftentimes even how to solve it, for some reason, we are chained. We can never be free from these worries and tensions. Something, as you've brought up, that DOMINATES my identity is agreeing that I am the worst. I am characterized by my flaws and see my few positives, which I don't even see, but I am told, on occasion, as distractions to ignore how terribly flawed I am.

I've come to learn that this world will never free us from these chains. This world, this life that we live, there's a reason why we don't call it a heaven or paradise, something that many of us hope to see in perhaps the life after this. There's a reason why we dream of an Eternal oblivion, where we are free. But no matter what... this life will not give us freedom, no matter how much we realize where our faults are, where we can improve, how hard we work to improve our conditions....

But I think that's beautiful. imagine living in a world where we did solve our problems. Imagine where we knew how to, we did it, and we lived in bliss. We'd never have any reason to hate ourselves. We would never have any reason to hate others. Everyone would be happy with who they are.

I don't want to live in that world. It is through our flaws, that we see our own growth. We might not ever be 100% happy... and worry, and tribulations, will ALWAYS come across... but I think that even though none of us chose to be granted this life and arrive on Earth, we are definitely here. You exist, I exist. I want to see where this life takes me. What i can do, with this flawed invidiual...

Often times we hate on each other, because we inevitably see how we can fix things in each other. We see ourselves in each other. It angers us, that not only we ourselves knowingly don't make progress, but others around us don't either. In that way, sometimes i see hate as a form of sympathy. But, often times we see the opposite. Others, doing much better than us. We channel jealousy and hate in that way too.

In the end? We are here. Not for long, even though it seems like ages. Every path leads to somewhere. The more ups and downs and bumps in the road, the more beautiful the destination. Some of the gnarliest roads in this Earth lead to some stunning places. I think life is the same way. Despite knowing, we cannot be truly free from our shortcomings or hardships... this world offers us to be a chance at becoming a WARRIOR. There are no warriors in heaven. No need to struggle and fight ruthlessly to become a stronger person. This life does. Why not test where this life of yours can take you? Why not test its limits, and see where this adventure takes you?

I think I guess, that our struggles give our life depth. Despite knowing where to improve, we are flawed and tend to hold back. But that just gives us a challenge, to prove to ourselves, we aren't JUST flawed. It's a battle, with yourself. And in the end, as long as we keep fighting through it, we will see growth, whether we like it or not. We are our own enemies at the end of the day. But that makes life a battle to help us blossom as people, despite these inner battles.

This life is short, warrior. I know it seems like a cage, but I hope that through your battles, you find an exhilaration to prove yourself wrong like I did. That's why I keep going, despite knowing the same truths you've been telling yourself.

I BELIEVE IN YOU. I REALLY DO. Please, if you feel like you want to come talk, I'm here to listen. Feel free.

ComradeRuhi March 19th, 2023


I think I got the wrong idea of what you are trying to convey. After reading another time, I see even more to say about how we interact with people, because DEFINITELY I don't see reason to be kind to many people as well.

I think kindness is often a two-sided dagger. Nonetheless, it's respect for another warrior, despite how ruthless they may be to me, which makes me kind to others. It's something that might hurt me at the end, but a warrior fighting a battle is a human living life. The fight makes some ignorant to the fight of others, but I think I'm strong enough to realize that in the end, everyone deserves a bit of kindness (some more than others for sure).

I think you are strong enough too. You seem like it.

TimewiseHeart March 19th, 2023

Especially when it seems like they're not reciprocating your kindness or treating you with respect. It's important to remember that you don't owe anyone your niceness, but it's also important to consider the consequences of being unkind or rude to others.

It's alo important to remember that not everyone is the same, and it's not fair to judge everyone based on the actions of a few. There are still kind, genuine people out there who may be worth getting to know.

Ultimately, the decision to be kind or unkind is up to you, but it's important to consider the impact your actions have on yourself and others.

1 replies
Themaninblackxxx March 26th, 2023


It's important