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I need help

Dellacreux Wednesday

Just downloaded this app so I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right place.

Anyways, I moved to the US from Brazil almost 3 years ago. I'm a foreigner here and that makes it harder for me to connect with people in here. I've fazed this my whole life tho. I've always been different than everybody else. I think differently, I act differently, and I don't fit in with the majority of people.

I used to dance. Started in 2014 and it's the reason why I came to the US. It was the beginning of my dance career and I couldn't be happier. But during my first month here I got into a bike accident and ended up in the hospital. Still paying the bills after almost 3 years. But the worst part was tearing my ACL, on both knees. Now, after a very long and expensive rehab, I'm fully recovered and started trying to dance again, a couple of days ago. On top of that I gained a few pounds for being inactive, lost my flexibility, and didn't practice for years.

Before the accident I had just lost my best friend of 8 years. We were each other's support in life, we would talk every day, and all of a sudden, she was gone.

Since then I've been completely alone. On top of that, I couldn't do what I loved the most in life, dance. And this feeling, whatever it is I'm feeling, has lived with me since, every freaking day. Some days it's worse, like today. Some days I can manage it.

To pay the bills I've been waiting tables since I can't dance. I was recently promoted to bartender, which would be a good thing under normal circumstances, but we're in the slow season and I've been struggling with my feelings so it's hard sometimes to put on my work mask and present happy to all the guests. So I've been also struggling to make ends meet.

Work hasn't been great, I've got no social life (I also can't drive because of some vision problems), no relationships, no friends, no family, no girlfriend, no energy, no motivation, no prospects, no plan. Can't remember the last time I felt happy, and I finally realized that I've been miserable this whole time, and I simply can't fight it. I don't even have the energy to practice dance anymore and that feels terrifying. 

The thought "If I was never born I wouldn't be going through this" have come to mind very often lately. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't anything to myself, but I'm scared if I don't start getting better I might. I don't want to do anything stupid.

All I know is right now I need help, because I have no idea what to do.

dtanushree Wednesday


I'm really sorry to hear about everything you've been going through. It sounds like you're carrying a lot on your shoulders, and feeling so isolated must make it even harder. It’s incredibly difficult to experience loss, both of your best friend and your passion for dance, especially when those were such important parts of your life. The physical and emotional toll from your accident and the long recovery process must have been exhausting, not to mention how it disrupted the path you were on. The fact that you’re still here and trying, even after all of that, shows a strength that might not feel visible right now, but it’s there.

It’s understandable that you’re feeling overwhelmed, navigating everything alone without support is incredibly tough. Feeling like you’ve lost your way, your connection to your passions, and not being able to lean on friends or family is really isolating. I can sense how much dance means to you, and even though it might feel far away right now, that connection still exists. Sometimes the road back to the things we love takes time, but they’re still waiting for us.

I know things feel bleak, but you reaching out is a sign that there’s a part of you that’s still fighting, still holding on. ❣️❣️ What do you think would help you start to feel a bit more like yourself again? Even small things can be a step forward. And remember, if you ever feel the need to talk, you can message me. I'm here to listen.😊

Shirl8887 2 days ago


Thank you for sharing your concerns. I'm here to listen.

You've shown immense courage in acknowledging your struggles.

Let's work together to find ways to:

1. Manage overwhelming emotions

2. Reconnect with your passion for dance

3. Build a support network

Your feelings are valid, and I'm here to support you.

Would you like to:

1. Explore coping strategies.

2. Discuss ways to regain motivation.

3. Identify small steps towards recovery?"

pinkKite8784 1 day ago

Hey. How are you doing?

I'm sorry to hear about the stressful things that you're going through right now...but it's a good thing that you're reaching out for help, and actually, it's even a sign of strength. I think you're a strong person, who's capable of handling life's hardships. The proof is that you're still here, and instead of giving up, you want to get better by reaching out for help. 

Life can be very tiring and discouraging sometimes...but don't ever give up, okay? Every time you think about giving up, just remember that there's people here who are rooting for you and want to see you live a happy and fulfilling life. 

Take care