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LexiThomas16 September 12th

Lately I've been struggling let go my ex this whole week I was doing good but today seems harder than others does anyone have advice for me please i NEED IT.

KristenHR Monday


I'm sorry to hear it's a tough week for you and letting go of your ex.  Relationship breakups are difficult.  I don't have advice for you, but I can tell you that what you are feeling is normal after a break up.  There are good days and difficult days.  Even when a breakup is desired by both of you, there can still be days where it is difficult to be apart.

What do you do when you are struggling to help you through those difficult times?  Do you have anyone that you can do something with, even just to get out or to distract?  You're definitely not alone.

SoftLily23 Monday

Breakups are hard and letting go is harder. If you focus on how you wish to let go then it would not help as your mind will keep on replaying memories good or bad. 
I am not an expert but I think acceptance works. Accepting that things didn't go well and not dwelling on what ifs or what could have happened.

cupidzheart Monday

focus on yourself and try to make yourself feel better by doing skincare and taking days for yourself to go out or dress up and make healthy habits instead of crying constantly which isn't going to stop the breakup.

fancyIris3 Monday

Reiki to release trapped energy from the union and relationship. You can find videos on YouTube and do ones that resonate.

A potential source: Reiki Rachel on YouTube

Shyness98 2 days ago

Getting over someone is one of the hardest things. It's frustrating and you feel hopeless. I think one big thing that's helped me is first being compassionate. Heartbreak just means that you loved something. Loving someone isn't the worst thing in the world. Be honest with yourself and allow yourself feel these feelings. Don't tell yourself "I should be over this" that creates resistance and you'll prolong your healing. It's okay to still have feelings for your ex. You can still have feelings for someone and not want them back. Multiple things can be true at once, you can love someone and mourn the memories you had with that person and you can move on and move forward. I notice when I allow myself to think about someone and being aware that it's me missing that person it makes it easier to move forward. The second thing is keep going. Overall time will pass and that is going to work in your favor because time is what we all need. I wish you luck in your journey. 

kindBlackberry6740 2 days ago

I am in the same boat but still missing them after 3 years

RoseLikeTheFlower86 2 days ago

Hope you're feeling better. Time heals all wounds, okay?

thelisteningwriter 2 days ago

Well, breakups are hard to deal with. There is no other way to put it. I wanted to say it's akin to waiting for your train to arrive and the consequent relief that you're going to move to a space you're familiar with. But that's just a part of the whole coming to terms with what has happened.

At the risk of sounding as if I'm giving advice (which I always refrain from since one has got to know a person really well to offer ANY advice as such) I'd only say this: be kind and gentle to yourself. Treat yourself with love and care and know and understand that this harrowing hurting time will dissipate to make way for a gentle breeze from the ocean across the seashore. <3 

Lovely122 2 days ago

@LexiThomas16 hi lexi i have been through this, what helps me is to write everything you want to send to him in note app and act like you send him. I also downloaded apps to talk to other people 

helloBalsam474 23 hours ago


I am also dealing with the same situation.i know its hard,dont feel like getting up from bed,you have no enthusiasm in anything,just everything seems sad.and its ok to feel it.its ok to feel pain,it is okay to not to be okay. Talk with strangers,go on a long walk,have your favourite meal,try to connect with nature,nurture your hobbies,do whatever which will distract you,or which will give you little bit happiness.