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How to act in various areas on 7Cups

MonBon July 9th, 2015

There are a variety of ways for members/guests and listeners to interact on 7 cups of tea. The original and most common way is the 1-on-1 chat. In this setting, the role of a listener vs the role of a member/guest is very clear and there are certain guidelines to be upheld. I have summarized them below.

A Listeners Role in a 1-on-1 chat is:

♦To Listen

♦To remain non-judgemental

♦To remain professional

♦To be empathetic

♦To make the member/guest feel important and heard

♦To help the member/guest feel validated

A Member/guests Role in a 1-on-1 chat is:

♦To seek support

♦To get something(s) off their chest

♦To share their story

♦To learn from the chat

What this means is that while a Listener is an empathetic person who will truly listen to what the member/guest is saying, they are limited in that they cannot share their own trials and tribulations as a means of getting support themselves. Can they share their stories if they feel thats what the member/guest needs to hear? Yes, but they cannot share their problems solely to receive the help and attention that they themselves are supposed to be giving.

Another way is in group support, a newer component of 7 cups of tea but the premise is about the same. The role of a listener, moderator, and member/guest are a little less clear but there are still certain guidelines to be upheld. I have summarized them as before.

A Listeners Role in a group support chat is:

♦Be welcoming to those who enter the room

♦Be supportive of those who are sharing their story

♦Be non-judgemental

♦Be professional

♦Gently remind others of the chatroom rules if necessary

♦Keep the room in a relatively positive environment - that is, keep things respectful, help everyone feel involved, etc

♦Help others feel validated

A Moderators Role in a group support chat is:

♦Be welcoming to those who enter the room

♦Be supportive of those who are sharing their story

♦Be non-judgemental

♦Be professional

♦Enforce the chatroom rules if necessary (Still Gently)

♦Keep the room in a relatively positive environment - that is, keep things respectful, help everyone feel involved, etc

♦Help others feel validated

A Member/guests Role in a group support chat is:

♦Seek support

♦Lend support to other member/guests in the room

♦Respect others

♦Follow the chatroom rules

As you can see, a moderator and a listener have the same role. They are there to support, not to seek support. Again, while the moderator and the listener are there to be a supportive person who truly listens to the members/guests, they cannot seek support in a group chat setting.

Most people are aware of how to act in these two settings; however, there is a third way for listeners and members to interact where the guidelines and roles are even less certain: the forums. As before, I will summarize below.

A Listeners Role in the Public Forum:

♦Support members

♦Be empathetic

♦Remain professional

♦Help members feel validated

♦Answer questions

A Members Role in the Public Forum:

♦Seek Support

♦Ask Questions

♦Support other members

♦Share their story, thoughts, or feelings

♦Be respectful toward others

In short, while in the forums the same roles still apply as everywhere else on the site. If you, as a listener, need support or start sharing your story for the sole purpose of getting attention and support, please please log onto your member account. A note to members, while your role is a lot less strict, please note that in the forums and in group support you need to be respectful to your peers just as the listeners do. We are here to help lift each other up ♥

Roadie July 9th, 2015

I was going to create a forum post on this previously however some on-site things put me off doing it.

I'd like to elaborate on being professional as a listener in the forums if I may.

As a listener in a 1-on-1 chat, your role is to the support the member through whatever is on their mind in the chat. It is not an expectation that the member will provide support to the listener.

The same rules apply in the forums. To be professional as a listener in the forums, do not create forum posts or forum threads where you are seeking support under your listener account. Use your experiences as a means of connection or relating to a story by all means however if you need support as a listener and wish to seek this via the forums, please connect as a member and post from there. Thanks.

MonBon OP July 9th, 2015

Does this mean my post is @Roadie approved?

EtaAlpha July 9th, 2015

It's EtaAlpha approved! @MonBon, this is brilliant, thank you! I've bookmarked it to go in my uber 7 Cups resources list! Me likey muchly!

MonBon OP July 9th, 2015

Yayyyy!!! *wears an EtaAlpha badge proudly*

Roadie July 9th, 2015

My version would have been too verbose. Yours is better :)

EnigmaticRebel February 23rd, 2016


I for one think this is lovely.

MonBon OP February 23rd, 2016


Thank you!

MythologicalMayhem October 23rd, 2015


That's the little rule I follow.

Member account = support for me

Listener account = support for others.

ChromeLotus November 23rd, 2016


That's a simple Guideline, and a Good one. I agree 👍

plushEars54 September 21st, 2016


Thatnks for the help!

Andrea50 July 10th, 2015

Just fix group chat for teens and things will be better :P some things are just unfair

cristiana33 July 22nd, 2015

I am curious what do you mean when you say that listeners have certain roles in the forum part of the app... I believe I am just me here as I am still learning a lot about the community and how everything works around here. Not having many informations, still being new, I see myself as having no role while posting in the forum ... more like a learner and regular member who is sharing their experience.

I do see my role as a listener when answering in the Q & A sections though...

So I'm a bit confused about this listener vs member role while in the forums...

MonBon OP July 23rd, 2015

Hi @cristiana33! This kind of question is exactly why I made this post. While in the forums on your listener account, you still need to act as a listener. This means remaining professional and supporting others. I am glad that you are learning about the community :)

However, if you start sharing your experience to receive support rather than to give support, you need to log onto a member account. I hope this clears up your question and if it does not, please pm me :)

cristiana33 July 23rd, 2015

Yeah i do understand the difference or at least I think so. What about receiving support to grow as a listener? That is allowed from your listener account I believe?

Putting this here and not in a PM, as I am thinking maybe others would like the answer as well... :)

Amelia July 23rd, 2015

@cristiana33 @MonBon

In terms of seeking support, I see the forums kind of like I see using peer support. If you're using the forums (or peer support) to discuss an issue directly related to the site or your role as a listener, so long as it remains polite/respectful/professional, this can be done from your listener account. However, if it is a personal issue that is interfering with being a listener or a personal issue in general, it is best discussed as a member/guest.

Basically, is it more personal issue or more site-related...personal issue = member/guest related = listener account. Also, seeking support as a listener should be done on the listener threads not the member/guest threads I believe.

Does this help at all.....or just make things more confusing? lol

trisjlistens August 1st, 2015

Thank you so much for this! It has been very helpful. :)

TortueDesBois September 12th, 2015

Does it means I can't have idle-talk ?

MonBon OP September 12th, 2015


I'm not entirely sure I understand your question, if you mean can you chat with others in the forums casually, as long as you are respectful and the conversation is in the appropriate forum category (i.e. you shouldn't talk about how school/work is going in a thread about beloved pets), speaking casually with other members is fine.

If this doesn't answer your question you're free to pm me and we can discuss this in greater detail :)

TortueDesBois September 12th, 2015

Every day, on group chats, forums or in 1-on-1,
I chat about pets, potatoes and weather,
without "seek support", "share my story, thoughts or feelings", "ask questions", "support to other members" or "learn from the chat".
Does it means I fail in my role here as a member?

MonBon OP September 12th, 2015


I definitely wouldn't phrase it as "failing" as a member.

7 cups is a support site, so if you aren't giving or receiving support, then you definitely are not using the site to its full potential.

However, as long you are respectful to other members, guests, and listeners, and follow the community guidelines, you are free to continue as you have been. Socialization is an important part of life, and if you can get it here, I'm glad ^^

gracefulAngel96 December 19th, 2015

Very helpful!! I feel like this is really great, helpful information!

EnigmaticRebel February 23rd, 2016

Thanks for posting this <3

warmSoul46 September 20th, 2016

@MonBon Thank you soo much for this! It means a lot to our community and it helps us stay on track. This makes 7Cups a better place where there is a certain process to dictate who seeks support and who wishes to provide it and how. Thank you for being the person that you are.

HappyHelper006 November 23rd, 2016

@MonBon Thank you so much! This really helped me, since I'm new in 7 cups smiley

MonBon OP November 23rd, 2016


Happy to help :)

Cassandra737 May 18th, 2018


This was really helpful and I'm glad I came across it. I'm much more comfortable with it now. Thanks a lot!

simonsilverport September 28th, 2018

nice post

AffyAvo October 23rd, 2018

I refer to this and it always takes me a while to find - finally commenting on this useful post so it will show up when I search by my threads.

Justonemomentatatime November 26th, 2018

@MonBon this is a very helpful thread 👌

MonBon OP November 26th, 2018



sunDog64 January 18th, 2019

What is the protocol for a listener who signs in on their member account? Do they ever reveal who they are as a listener, and vice versa? I'm beginning to explore my member account a little more, and it feels awkward to run across someone in a room whose profile I know as a listener and not say, "hi!" Does anyone ever use the same name for both their member and listener accounts?


MonBon OP January 18th, 2019


Hey sunDog! Thanks for asking.

Listeners should not reveal their member accounts and vice versa. It is a little strange running into somebody on the site, but I've found it's best to try to keep them as separate personas. This helps protect your confidentiality as a member and protect your boundaries as a listener.

With regard to the same name, since 7 cups has changed to format for both members and listeners, it is impossible to have the exact same name. However, there are users who have similar names (with a number or letter change), and that is not prohibited (although I personally would not recommend it). I hope that answers your questions! Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help ^^

sunDog64 January 18th, 2019


Thanks for your speedy answer! I just hope I don't get confused and ask myself for a one-on-one. :D

Does anyone know how many 7cups members are also listeners? The percentage of members that do not have listener accounts compared to members with listener accounts?

MonBon OP January 18th, 2019


It is possible that the site has stats on that, but it wouldn't be a totally accurate number since the system treats member and listener accounts completely separately. In order to see how many listeners have member accounts, they would likely have to pull all of the email addresses for both types of accounts and tally the matches, which wouldn't account for users with separate emails for those accounts. You could probably ask and they would know more about whether that data is available or not.

OrangeYouGlad68 January 27th, 2019


Fireworks, sparklers and party horns. I celebrate your concise, very much needed and appreciated post!

Darwin14 May 18th, 2019


Someday when I am more comfortable navigating around this site and have spent some more time on here I think I would like to be a chatroom moderator;)

MonBon OP May 20th, 2019


We do not have a chatroom moderation role for members at this time. However, you can learn more about becoming a room supporter as a member when you are ready.