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Disappearing posts?

lilblackcat89 January 26th, 2018

How do I know whether my posts are being deleted by a mod or if it's a glitch? I made a couple posts a few days ago and I noticed that one got deleted that was rather depressing but I didn't think broke the rules (it was in the need for extra support forum) and I assumed that it was deleted by a mod who either misunderstood what I was saying, or that I interpreted the rules wrong. But now I'm noticing some of my positive and completely inoffensive posts are gone too. One was literally a thank-you and a compliment on the trauma newsletter and I think my attempt at a daily checkin disappeared. :( Have I been shadowbanned or is this a glitch? I'm hoping it's a glitch because I'm feeling very othered right now. Thanks .

Juniter January 26th, 2018

@lilblackcat89 Hey there!

I'm sorry your posts have been disappearing. If you chose to not allow listeners to message you in your settings, anyone that deletes your posts won't be able to message you to tell you the reason like they usually would. However, you can email to inquire about your missing posts. They could possibly bring the posts back, or tell you the reason for deletion.

SilentSerenityy January 26th, 2018


Hey, I am sorry this has been happening! Are you sure they haven't been knocked down the list over time?

They may have accidentally been removed whilst a mod was deleting spam threads, but they can also be removed if you post the same thread in multiple places - we ask to post one thread in one place. I'd recommend e-mailing and informing them of this and ask if they can reinstate them.

Please don't take it personally though, it may be an issue with the forum itself or purely an accident!

RaCat January 26th, 2018

Hey @lilblackcat89,

I am sorry that this has happened to you! As Forum Mentor, I can say that we try to ensure that as little posts as possible would be deleted, usually it is the editing that we do, unless it is not possible to edit the post, that's when we delete them. So if it was some kind of mistake, I want to say sorry about that. Usually if the post are being deleted and it is not spam, we are messaging people who created it to let them know that it was deleted. Did you received message like this recently?

If not, I encourage you to contact the and ask them if they can help you with this issue, it might be deleting, it might be some kind of bug

AffyAvo January 27th, 2018

@lilblackcat89 It's not just you. Posts have been disappearing.

There was an issue with a spam catcher for a while, but I think that's been fixed.

@MonBon @Anomalia @Krinkthemellowunicorn anything else to add?

1 replies
MonBon January 27th, 2018


If there's a thread you suspect was wrongfully deleted, please email with any information you have on it so we can look into it. Desired information:

- hyperlink (this is the most effective way for support to find it)

However if you are lacking the hyperlink, we can also make do with:

-thread title

-thread author

-category and subforum

Note: we cannot restore individual posts (I.e. a reply like this), but we can restore threads :)

lilblackcat89 OP January 27th, 2018

Thanks guys, that makes me feel a lot better! I checked my profile and I'm allowing listeners to talk to me and I don't see any new private chats, so I think it must have been a glitch. My posts seem to be "sticking" now so I wonder if it was even an internet issue on my end (mine can be notoriously flickery). I don't mind those posts disappearing, I was just worried that my downer post in extra support had put me on the bad girls list or something. Thank you so much for replying, it's good to know I'll be told if I do make a mistake. 🤗

CalmWhisper22 January 29th, 2018

Why are some messages being edited?

8 replies
RaCat January 29th, 2018

@DanaMH I can't see messages being edited in this thread but if you talk in generl, we need to edit forum posts if they contain information that is against forum rules: if they are unsupportive, contains inapprociate language, personal information, spam or some other rule that I didn't mention. When it is done, person who edited the post always explains the reason in the post or in PMs to ensure that everyone is on the same boat heart

6 replies
AffyAvo January 29th, 2018

@DanaMH What RaCat said, plus sometime the author asks for a post to be editted.

Havingfuninthesnow January 29th, 2018


And why didn't they explain on my post?

4 replies