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When has setting up a fellow site user been part of 7 Cups Core Value?

rebel11 December 9th, 2017

I'm not expecting any answers anytime soon, but this isn't going away.

I respect you guys; I respect the mission / core values;

but I also believe setting someone up breaches the core values of the site.

I also believe the site is better then this.

@glen @Laura @Kate

ffmedic112 December 9th, 2017

what does setting someone up mean? @rebel11

rebel11 OP December 9th, 2017


A member set up another member to get them banned from this site.

Very mean and nasty. The site has done nothing about it.

hardworkingCup9130 December 9th, 2017

i expect nothing else from what ive seen on this site , a really mean bunch are in one of the chatrooms on here , i wont mention the room

amberrambler20 December 9th, 2017

the admin just think its funny ,the bullying on here is beyond disgusting

yellowThinker3047 December 9th, 2017

alot of people just got together to false report ,thats how low and pathetic things are around here .

adaptableLime7445 December 9th, 2017

some of the members just gang up and bully ,ive seen it ,they get away with it ,the mods are just power driving ,no wonder so many members are fed up with the bullying by them.

pluckyHuman4388 January 16th, 2018

theres some really vicious mods on this site ,they think there the police ,they abuse power and have ruined the site

January 27th, 2018

@pluckyHuman4388 Has any of this been brought to Lara's attention? :(

RarelyCharlie January 27th, 2018

Hi Jennifer!

Lara? Lara is a teen member.

LaraG, (a.k.a LaraGregorio) if that is who you were thinking of, deals mainly with the therapy side of things.

Laura and Kate were tagged at the top of this thread, and I imagine they are certainly very aware of all this.

(Glen, once a novice listener here, was also tagged, probably mistaken for our founder, GlenM.)


January 27th, 2018

@RarelyCharlie Oh, gotcha! And yes, I meant LaraG 😉 Im new here so still learning.

rebel11 OP January 16th, 2018


Yes, true. 7 Cup Officials have been slow to act.

The contents of the screenshots are embarrassing for 7 Cups, it puts them in a awkward position.

Who knows a YouTube slide show might air in the near future.

Booklover95 January 16th, 2018

Wow I would never expect something like this from 7cups... is truly disappointing..

emilyisleavinghadenough February 1st, 2018

i would expect it ,some of the members ive seen are truly mean and alot of the mods are just on here to threaten members because they can .

forcefulLemon9887 February 2nd, 2018

i dont like the heavy handed mods on this website one little bit

ilikefoodalot April 26th, 2018


VerdediForesta April 28th, 2018

OK, this is my very first post here. I just signed up today. And the first set of messages I read is this.

If you posters here were more clear & straightforward about what you're referring to, do you expect you would be punished in some way? It sounds as if you feel that way.

This is very disappointing. I believe that all human institutions sooner or later cease to be of service to their constituents & begin to enslave & betray them. Sometimes a lot, on a global scale, sometimes a little, like a cold, careless word. Sometimes all the members, sometimes only one. But, inevitably.

It feels as if the institution somehow develops its own mind or personality & begins to seek growth & power for itself at the expense of its members. Perhaps something of the sort is happening here.

I'll stick around & make up my own mind. But I must say, this is a hell of a start.