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Member Oath - All Encouraged to Participate

Laura November 9th, 2014

Our member community is thriving! Now that we have our group support chat rooms, our members are able to interact and support each other in new and dynamic ways. You all have done a wonderful job adjusting to these chat rooms and supporting one another.

As a member of the 7 Cups community, you are all here for a variety of specific reasons. But one thing we all have in common is our love of the 7 Cups community. Our community is a safe haven, a place to find connection, compassion, love, and support.

Our community is only as strong as it's members. We ask each member to agree to these community guidelines and interact in ways that reflect these guidelines and the 7 Cups values.

Today, I would like all members of 7 Cups of Tea to take ownership of their home here. To show your commitment, we ask that you take the 7 Cups member oath. By completing this oath, you are promising to show kindness and support to all those you interact with here. It could be in the forums, with a listener in a 1-1 chat or in the group support chat rooms.

Below this post, type out your member oath. You could cut and paste it, but I feel like this takes away from it. Typing it helps you really think through what you are committing to. Next, at the bottom, sign in with your username like this:

I, ___________________, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //LauraS//
Date: 11/9/2014

NOTE: Eventually, we will be able to give a badge to all those who take this pledge. The badge will come, as long as you post in this thread, you will earn it!


(Edit; ASilentObserver, 01/10/2020)

RamenNool October 28th, 2017

@Laura I only just joined this website today, but I think I can find someone to help me out soon, it

honestCup6891 October 28th, 2017

My Member Oath:

I, Galen, pledge a moral oath before the entire community, making the community witness that I will fulfill to the best of my abilty this covenant and undertaking.

I will show kindness and compassion to all those I interact with.

I will work towards bettering my health every time I log on.

I will show respect and never violate the boundaries of my fellow members or listeners.

I will take ownership of my mental health and be forthcoming to build supportive relationships which encourage this endeavor.

I will respect the time, love, and commitment my listeners and volunteer listeners bring to 7 Cups of Tea every day.

I will use the resources provided to me to continue to learn and grow.

I will believe in myself and understand that everyone's personal journey is unique. I will take every interaction I have on 7 Cups as an opportunity to grow and learn.

I will honor the challenges presented to me in my life, believing in my Soul, that no matter how challenging, I can overcome.

I will lean on the community in my time of need, and I will let others lean on me in their time of need.

I recognize that my behavior is a reflection of me. I take ownership of my actions and will be thoughtful in all my interactions.

I will keep these promises [to the best of my ability] as a means of showing myself and the community that I am dedicated to my personal health and the betterment of the entire community.




blissedNblessed October 28th, 2017


I know I have taken this oath before but I did not do this format so, here goes:

I, blissedNblessed, pledge a moral oath before the entire community, making the community witness that I will fulfill to the best of my ability this covenant and undertaking.

I will show kindness and compassion to all those I interact with.

I will work towards bettering my health every time I log on.

I will show respect and never violate the boundaries of my fellow members or listeners.

I will take ownership of my mental health and be forthcoming to build supportive relationships which encourage this endeavor.

I will respect the time, love and commitment my volunteer listeners bring to 7 Cups of Tea every day.

I will use the resources provided to me to continue to learn and grow.

I will believe in myself and understand that everyone's personal journey is unique.

I will take every interaction I have on 7 Cups of Tea as an opportunity to grow and learn.

I will honor the challenges presented to me in my life, believing in my soul, that no matter, how challenging, I can overcome.

I will lean on the community in my time of need and I will let others lean on me in their time of need.

I recognize that my behavior is a reflection of me. I take ownership of my actions and will be thoughtful in all my interactions.

I will keep these promises as a means of showing myself and the community that I am dedicated to my personal health and the betterment of the entire 7 Cups community.




pinkPine9506 October 28th, 2017

@Laura As a member of 7 Cups community I pledge to be a positive light, to show kindness, love and compassion to all. To respect and honor the goals and guidelines for which 7 Cups represents.

adaptableHouse4111 October 28th, 2017

@Laura I will try to be my besst to hold the oath and love my follow man on here.

Bravelife October 28th, 2017


As a member of the 7 Cups community,I here by agree to all 7 cups community guidelines and interact in ways that reflect these guidelines and the 7 cups values.Further more I pledge that i'll treat everyone i meet here with kindness,compassion,support and love whether it be a listener in 1-1 chat or members in group chat rooms.

Signed: //BraveLife//

Date: 28/10/2017

beloved316 October 28th, 2017

I promise to show kindness and support to all those I interact with here in 7Cups, be it in the forums, with a listener in a 1-1 chat or in the group support chat rooms.

Signed: @bestHuman5461, Human for short heart
Date: 10/28/2017

beloved316 October 28th, 2017

I will show kindness and support to all those I interact with in 7Cups by:
- speaking the truth in love
- respecting the confidentiality of what is shared within 7Cups
- accepting people just the way they are
- genuinely listening and asking questions to help facilitate people's understanding of where their issues come from, what they can do to deal with those issues in a healthy way and eventually overcome those issues


Raviiiiiiii October 28th, 2017

I am not a listener but I promise to be a mindful person. I will do my best so that I will not accidentally hurt anyone I talk to. I promise to converse and give my insights to whatever anyone has to say to me. //Ravi// 💖💖

InsideSunrise7 October 28th, 2017

@Laura I hereby pledge to show kindness and compassion to everyone here, just as everyone has done to me, and will adhere to the 7 cups values.

Schmish October 28th, 2017


courageousHuman9606 October 28th, 2017

I pledge to uphold the mission and guidelines of 7 cups. As a member, I will share truthfully, listen faithfully, and show compassion unconditionally.

Signed: Courageoushuman 9606

Date: 10/28/2017

orangeOwl1462 October 28th, 2017

I agree with the community guidelines and will be respectful and kind in my nteractions.



oliveChestnut October 28th, 2017

I take the member oath into my hands and will try my best to adhere to the desired outcomes.

Willendorf2017 October 28th, 2017

I agree with and pledge to adhere to the Community Guidelines - though I wish they included that: 1) all posts must be in English (or translated into English by the member); and 2) that profanity (swearing) was forbidden. It is crude, unnecessary and triggering for me and for many others, I am sure. 😲😟😔

//Willendorf// 🇨🇦

Oct. 28/17

TeenyTinyAppy October 28th, 2017


I take the oath to abide in the rules and guidelines here on 7cups. I will choose to be kind, caring, supportive, and honest with others on the site.

Lafemmenikita1108 October 28th, 2017

I will like to help, listen and comfort anyone going through hard times.I understand as I am going through them as well, Please don't hesitate to contact me anytime. I will be here for you, I know how it feels to be lnely and scared inside! But we need eachother. God will help us to help eachother too!! God Bless , Christina

LittlePrincessSarah October 28th, 2017

I promise to show kindness and compassion to everyone here, just as everyone has done to me, and will adhere to the 7 cups values .

// signed me.

kittytoes October 28th, 2017

I promise to show kindness and compassion to all I interact with.

pluckyWest7236 October 28th, 2017

My Member Oath:

I, PluckyWest, pledge a moral oath before the entire community, making the community witness that I will fulfill to the best of my abilty this covenant and undertaking.

I will show kindness and compassion to all those I interact with.

I will work towards bettering my health every time I log on.

I will show respect and never violate the boundaries of my fellow members or listeners.

I will take ownership of my mental health and be forthcoming to build supportive relationships which encourage this endeavor.

I will respect the time, love, and commitment my listeners and volunteer listeners bring to 7 Cups of Tea every day.

I will use the resources provided to me to continue to learn and grow.

I will believe in myself and understand that everyone's personal journey is unique. I will take every interaction I have on 7 Cups as an opportunity to grow and learn.

I will honor the challenges presented to me in my life, believing in my Soul, that no matter how challenging, I can overcome.

I will lean on the community in my time of need, and I will let others lean on me in their time of need.

I recognize that my behavior is a reflection of me. I take ownership of my actions and will be thoughtful in all my interactions.

I will keep these promises [to the best of my ability] as a means of showing myself and the community that I am dedicated to my personal health and the betterment of the entire community.



Paralynx October 29th, 2017

@Laura I take the 7 cups oath and promise that I will be kind to all the members I chat with.



mun24 October 29th, 2017

I don't understand why i cn't getting any help...

Goldiloxn3bears October 29th, 2017

I promise to show love and compassion to everyone here, just as everyone has done to me. I wpromose to adhere to the 7 cups values .

TheGreenFlash October 29th, 2017

I take the member oath and promise to show kindness to all those who I interact wirh in this community.


AliceWonder October 29th, 2017

My, AliceWonders, Listener Oath:

I pledge a moral oath before my fellow active listeners, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfil to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.

I must first do no harm.

I will promote healing and well-being in my members and place the members interests above my own at all times.

I will not violate the physical boundaries of the client and will always provide a safe and trusting haven for healing.

I will respect the integrity of the members with whom I am working, and I will remain objective in my relationships with members.

I will be silent and honor the confidentiality of my members.

I will treat my fellow listeners with honor and respect. I recognize that my behavior impacts them individually and influences the entire community.

I will provide only those services for which I have had the appropriate training and experience and will keep my technical competency at the highest level in order to uphold best listening practices.

I will recognize when I don't know something, asking for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.

I commit to growing in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with listeners and other colleagues in the health professions, and to promote the highest quality of member care.

I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as an active listener, and I will dorything in my power to facilitate health, healing, and wholeness within myself, my fellow listeners, members and my world.

Signed: //AliceWonder//
Date: 10/29/2017

Pharoah October 29th, 2017

@Laura I will alwyas try my best to help anyone in need and adhere to 7Cups rules

Signed: Pharoah
Date: 29/10/2017

enthusiasticPond5679 October 29th, 2017


Rebekahwriter13 October 29th, 2017

I pledge to treat others the way I want to be treated.

Myrrha October 29th, 2017

Signed: //Myrrha//
Date: 29/10/2017

KSWQueen October 29th, 2017

I pledge to always be kind to everyone on 7 cups, and to help others in need in any way I can.

Signed: //KSWQueen//
Date: 29/10/2017

October 29th, 2017

Signed: ExuberantFarm514
Date: 29/10/2017

mcl27 October 29th, 2017

I have read and agreed with the community guidelines and the key values, and hereby promise to abide by them.

Name: mcl27

Date: October 29, 2017

Marge11 October 29th, 2017

I pledge to be kind, helpful and give respect to others.




AquarelleFlower October 29th, 2017


I, AquarelleFlower, pledge a moral oath before the entire community, making the community witness that I will fulfill to the best of my ability this covenant and undertaking.

I will show kindness and compassion to all those I interact with.

I will work towards bettering my health every time I log on.

I will show respect and never violate the boundaries of my fellow members or listeners.

I will take ownership of my mental health and be forthcoming to build supportive relationships which encourage this endeavor.

I will respect the time, love and commitment my volunteer listeners bring to 7 Cups of Tea every day.

I will use the resources provided to me to continue to learn and grow.

I will believe in myself and understand that everyone's personal journey is unique.

I will take every interaction I have on 7 Cups of Tea as an opportunity to grow and learn.

I will honor the challenges presented to me in my life, believing in my soul, that no matter, how challenging, I can overcome.

I will lean on the community in my time of need and I will let others lean on me in their time of need.

I recognize that my behavior is a reflection of me. I take ownership of my actions and will be thoughtful in all my interactions.

I will keep these promises as a means of showing myself and the community that I am dedicated to my personal health and the betterment of the entire 7 Cups community.



Date: 30/10/2017

OmegaZ October 30th, 2017

I pledge to sttick with community guidlines.

KatieKatA92 October 30th, 2017

I pledge an oath to go above and beyond the expectations and be more than supportive to other members in this community.


JazzyNRain October 30th, 2017

@Laura No a listener but it seems liks a good oath, I agree to the community guidelines



TisMilo October 30th, 2017

@Laura I will do my best as a member of this online sociaty to be kind and patent. I wish happiness to all who join

PamelaLynn77 October 30th, 2017

I take this oath with respect, pride and a promise to always be honest, as open as possible, and as helpful as possible.


Gregariousgrapes October 30th, 2017

i pledge to be respectful.