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tw hard to overcome

Pumkineyes25 September 2nd

Why is it so hard to move past the events of sexual assault? For me, it has been nearly 10 years since it happened but I still feel as if it was yesterday I was helping this guy when we stopped and the event happened and it took place in a car and I just feel like I am never going to move past this feeling of it just happening. I know that things take time but I just want to have the whole thing behind me. I am not sure if living in the town in which the sexual assault took place is making me feel this way or the fact that I ran into the guy the other day and was seeing him for the first time since the sexual assault happened but I do know that I have had some strong feelings around the whole thing in the past couple of days. Also, this was not a one-time thing it happened over the span of about 2 years. Wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. I understand that this is not the easiest thing to talk about but I need to know that I am not the only to feel this way

Hope September 11th


Thank you for reaching out. I can see how challenging this has been and I can only imagine how difficult of a task it is to move past it. 

It is valid to want to know that you are not alone! I recommend connecting to a listener who takes trauma topic chats to explore your feelings surrounding the topic and steps you can take to feel better. Click here to find the list of listeners.