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804 M Little Steps
PathStep 48 Compassion hearts40 Forum posts7 Forum upvotes20 Current upvotes20 Age GroupAdult Last activeSeptember, 2024 Member sinceNovember 2, 2022
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tw hard to overcome
Trauma Support / by Pumkineyes25
Last post
September 11th
...See more Why is it so hard to move past the events of sexual assault? For me, it has been nearly 10 years since it happened but I still feel as if it was yesterday I was helping this guy when we stopped and the event happened and it took place in a car and I just feel like I am never going to move past this feeling of it just happening. I know that things take time but I just want to have the whole thing behind me. I am not sure if living in the town in which the sexual assault took place is making me feel this way or the fact that I ran into the guy the other day and was seeing him for the first time since the sexual assault happened but I do know that I have had some strong feelings around the whole thing in the past couple of days. Also, this was not a one-time thing it happened over the span of about 2 years. Wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. I understand that this is not the easiest thing to talk about but I need to know that I am not the only to feel this way
Trauma Support / by Pumkineyes25
Last post
August 10th
...See more Being in the town where the trauma happened has given me many flashbacks to the events and it does not seem to be getting better after two weeks of being here I am going to be in the town for the foreseeable future and don't know what I can do to make those flashbacks lessen.
Truama informed teaching (TW)
Trauma Support / by Pumkineyes25
Last post
May 3rd, 2023
...See more How can talking about trauma in general be a trigger? I know for me this happen just a couple of days ago when in one of my classes we talk about trauma informed teaching. I got back to where I told a teacher that a family friend was physically teaching in ways that he should not. I get this was in high and I was 17 but it seemed as if the teacher did not really care. From there I had other things popping in for memories.
Parents Possible TW
Trauma Support / by Pumkineyes25
Last post
December 9th, 2022
...See more For reference, I am 25 years old. I feel like there are times I am lying to my parents because I can not tell about the sexual abuse that happened to me as a child from trusted people one was a cousin and one was a close family friend. Both times I was not even the that let my parents know that it was happening and I feel like they would blame me or themselves for having it happen to me. All I know is I have a few people that I trust and that I am talking to but it does not help the feeling of thinking that I am lying to my parents as I am unable to talk to them about anything. I have fully lived with them up until recently when I moved into the dorms.
Trauma Support / by Pumkineyes25
Last post
November 27th, 2022
...See more I feel as if my family thinks I should be over what happened to me as a child but I am not. It has gotten to the point over this past year that I can not even stand hearing or seeing the name of the cousin that harmed me. I have also not been able to tell my family about how I have had all of these flash backs and memories about what had happened and how it is now affecting me.
Not once but Twice
Trauma Support / by Pumkineyes25
Last post
November 9th, 2022
...See more In the past couple of days, I have had my traumas come back to me and it is really starting to affect my consutrion on my class work for reference I am 25 years old. I have also never really had a boyfriend and with all of this coming back it makes me feel like it is my fault. the first time was when I was about 5 or 6 and the second time I was a junior and it went on until I was a senior. I have also not told my family how I feel about any of this as I don't think that they would understand how I am feeling about the whole thing.
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