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feeling bad about myself

stardust42 July 28th, 2019

I'm a sexual assault survivor. I just got hit on at a bar and I panicked a little. I'm really embarrassed. I don't have anyone to talk to irl. So I thought I'd tell 7cups. I don't think I handled it very well. I feel really bad about myself right now. I feel like I'm broken.

gentleWillow9463 September 22nd, 2019


gentleWillow9463 September 25th, 2019


Hi, sorry, i tried to reply before but it wouldnt work. I though id give it a try again and now it is working. Anyways, I think telling everyone here is a really step, and its also very brave of you. I get what your going through, its okay to get a little frantic or freak out, I do the same thing. Just know im here for you and hope this gets better soon.

stardust42 OP October 3rd, 2019


Thanks for the support. Here's a quick update: I'm in therapy now and I feel like I'm starting to heal. I've been diagnosed with ptsd and am feeling hopeful about my recovery. I have talked to a couple of friends irl, too. I'm still struggling a little bit, but I'm doing better.

July 28th, 2019


I am very sorry for what happened to you... Please be as much gentle as possible with yourself, you did nothing wrong. Your reaction is justified, it is spontaneous and is born out of your past. I am proud of you for reaching out to someone here. You are not alone

stardust42 OP July 28th, 2019

@admaiorasemper Thank you

Aayla October 4th, 2019

I'm so sorry about this. No one can change what happened, but the future is in your hands. And with time, I'm sure you'll find the strength to keep living your life and finding happiness. It's not your fault, and you are not defined by what people did to you - you're the one who defines yourself! Take small steps and try to take good care of yourself. If you don't feel ready to share it with your family or friends, write about it, reach out to 7 Cups or to a therapist if you think it could help. Let things out in one form or another. Start looking at what is good and valuable about you, it can help you loving yourself more, and overcoming the idea that what happened defines you.

It's not easy to stay strong. Sometimes it even seems impossible. But it's all about small steps. Going through the day. Keep moving. Keep fighting. This way, you'll give yourself a chance! I send you all my love!

BlueBird957 October 4th, 2019


keep your head up and stay strong, you are brave.