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When it's your friend's cousin, and their best friend

Jflack324 December 28th, 2020

When I was 16, I was raped my by my friend's cousin. Her cousin is also her best friend. I am now 21. Up until this year I didn't want to admit what had happened to me. I didnt want to get her cousin in trouble or ruin their relationship. But now I realize I have had so many problems since this incident and I didn't want to admit to myself what had happened. How do I talk to my friend about this? Should I?

ithinktheresmorethanthis December 29th, 2020


it's completely up to you how to handle this situation. you know what's best for you, even though it may take some time to discover what exactly that is. i'm sorry that happened to you, but I know that you're strong, and you'll be able to get through this.

sending love

happy new year