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Parents Possible TW

Pumkineyes25 December 5th, 2022

For reference, I am 25 years old. I feel like there are times I am lying to my parents because I can not tell about the sexual abuse that happened to me as a child from trusted people one was a cousin and one was a close family friend. Both times I was not even the that let my parents know that it was happening and I feel like they would blame me or themselves for having it happen to me. All I know is I have a few people that I trust and that I am talking to but it does not help the feeling of thinking that I am lying to my parents as I am unable to talk to them about anything. I have fully lived with them up until recently when I moved into the dorms.

independentMaple6488 December 5th, 2022

If you want to talk to them about what happened to you, you can. It is your choice. You can talk to a professional about what happened to you and how you can tell your parents and what to expect or not to expect.

I recently talk to my mother, but I don’t feel like talking to my father. The decision is your decision and you know what you want and what is best for you.

You are not alone and you tell them or not, you are not a liar.

amiableBlackberry92 December 9th, 2022

Dear pumpkin,

If it helps I never told anyone but my therapist. I couldn't tell because I was afraid of being re-traumatized by their reactions. There's no way to tell how your family is going to respond to this type of information. I know my family very well and it is going to be too difficult for them. I tell myself that I am sparing them pain from my traumatic experience. I consulted my therapist on many occasions about this struggle of telling or not telling. It's a tough choice and it's different for everyone but what she told me was I don't owe anybody anything I only owe myself joy and happiness. I continue to struggle with this decision. Most times I feel like it's the right decision for me.

Best always to you,