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Don't Know How to Process This

Barenziah432 July 24th, 2016

I was molested when I was five by a relative. After awhile, I managed to tell my parents, and it seemed as if though things were handled. I didn't understand what happened and it didn't hit me until I got a bit older. At that point, I figured it was over and dwelling on it would only cause more drama than I was up for. So, I thought I was ok and that I had moved on from it. Now, many years later, some things happened and I ended up having flashbacks. Growing up, there have also been a number of instances where my friends have told me about things that happened to them and I always gave a listening ear. However, I was furious inside and didn't know what to do about it. I always wanted to help. Now I worry about the people I care about. Are they ok? Did anything happen to them and could I protect them? Not only that but Im in a serious relationship and we talk about getting married and having kids. While I do see myself having one or two kids, Im also terrified. I can't be with them as they sit through school and what if something happens there? Who do I trust to watch them when I have to go to work? Should I put them in pre-school or just teach them myself? How can I be sure that what happened to me, as well as other people I know, won't happen to them? Do I really want to bring a new innocent life into this crazy dark world where people do that to other people, even children? It is that very thought that gives me anxiety and sometimes triggers a panic attack and it all infuriates me. Odd thing is, Im wondering why all this is happening now, many years after what happened. Its been about 20 years since. Then I start feeling like maybe there is somethng wrong with me and that this isn't normal.

TallApple138 August 9th, 2016

Hey @Barenziah432

Firstly. .this is very normal. A lot of people feel this way.

I think discussing what happened in your childhood would be good. Talk about it. Let it out. Tell someone how you feel. What you think. Everything.

I know you are scared but just because something happened to you doesn't mean something will happen to them. Millions of children go to school daily without anything bad happening. ♡

Even though a lot of bad happens a lot of good also happens.

I am sorry that I am not of much help. Whenever I worry about something I just pray and try to trust the Lord to take care of it

calmFlamingo70 July 24th, 2016

Let me just start by saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, you are human and it sounds like you have been through a horrible ordeal which most of us wouldnt even be able to comprehend. I completley understand why you would feel anxious about everything, you have expereicned humanity at its worst. Just know there is good in the world, there are people here to listen to any concerns and worries you may have, or just to be an outlet to vent to. You are not alone. @Barenziah432

AuthorityVictim July 24th, 2016

I have, well had I guess, a best friend who was literally my everything and last December he started shutting me out a lot and in February I found out he tried to kill himself and he lost his memories of me and he doesn't know who I am and it just hurts really bad because I'm the only one who remembers anything and I miss him so much.....

TallApple138 August 9th, 2016

Heu @AuthorityVictim

I am so sorry to hear that. I would suggest you be there for him, help him. I know it's hard on you but i am sure its even worse for him. ♥♡♥

♥ Become friends with him again.. Basically... start over. Make new memories. Show him why you were friends.. ♡