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Trigger Warning

creativeStrings1531 November 6th, 2021

At the age of 5 I watched my mom being trapped and chased around her car by a babysitter's husband.

halcyonCloud2036 November 10th, 2021


That sounds so scary, thank you for sharing. You are strong.

creativeStrings1531 OP November 11th, 2021

Thanks. I feel like the babysitter's husband is my hero and role model

E194T November 29th, 2021

@creativeStrings1531...because you want to trap and chase your mother?

I'm confused what you are trying to say. You enjoyed watching, so are you saying you have the urge to do this to other people, as in being in the role of the aggressor?

Or was it that you were 5, and thought they were playing a game, and now you feel bad that you didn't feel bad about it then?

Or Is he your role model because you and your mom have a bad relationship?

Either way, you're not the only one with these thoughts and feelings, and there is help out here.

If you are wanting to harm people here, you may have succeeded, I don't know. I hope not.

You did write "trigger warning" as the subject line, so part of you was trying to save people from what you were about to say. Perhaps, you should take this thought process further and continue to fight your urges to help the people that the other part of you wants to harm.

Best of luck to you.

creativeStrings1531 OP November 29th, 2021


No I do not want to harm anybody on here and the babysitter's husband is my hero in role model because I have a bad relationship with my mom and because he was protecting me and my brother from her trying to kidnap my brother and I because she did not have custody of my brother and I during her divorce to my dad and I did not know much of my mom then because I was around my dad because he could take care of us better because he had a good job and the babysitter and her husband and her children were like my daytime family because my dad worked a lot so my babysitter fed me my cereal and I played with her children but no I do not want to harm anybody on and I do talk to a therapist and I've told my therapist that I feel as if the babysitter's husband is my hero in role model also

gracefulBelle October 16th, 2022


Thank you for sharing


creativeStrings1531 OP November 18th, 2021

I enjoyed watching and waving to the babysitter's husband as he stood against the front door blocking it on my mom

creativeStrings1531 OP November 28th, 2021

I feel like I was the babysitter's husband's cheerleader since I waved to him as he stood against his front door 🚪 blocking it on my mom

creativeStrings1531 OP December 7th, 2021

I get to go go see my therapist today which is nice

creativeStrings1531 OP December 16th, 2021

Hate the holiday time don't know if my mom will show up unannounced

creativeStrings1531 OP December 27th, 2021

I hate not knowing if my mom will show up unannounced

creativeStrings1531 OP February 6th, 2022

Feel like someday if my mom were to show up unannounced I would be ready to trap her

creativeStrings1531 OP February 21st, 2022

Get to see my therapist today

creativeStrings1531 OP April 18th, 2022

Get to see my therapist today

creativeStrings1531 OP May 24th, 2022

Hope my mom never shows up unannounced to my house

courageouspanda244 July 1st, 2022

I hate my mom she showed up unannounced and she and I had e fight

creativeStrings1531 OP July 25th

What was your fight like between you and your mom

creativeStrings1531 OP August 28th, 2022

I have a hero and role model the babysitter's husband who I have written to and who I'm going to write to again hopefully this time he will respond back to me

creativeStrings1531 OP September 7th, 2022

I will be writing my hero and role model again very soon

creativeStrings1531 OP October 13th, 2022

My therapist is getting rid of me

creativeStrings1531 OP October 14th, 2022

None The Wiser no she didn't

creativeStrings1531 OP October 14th, 2022

@None The Wiser no she didn't

creativeStrings1531 OP October 14th, 2022

@NoneTheWiser no she didn't

creativeStrings1531 OP October 14th, 2022

@NoneTheWiser I am not sure

creativeStrings1531 OP October 14th, 2022

@NoneTheWiser very true it is hard that she is getting rid of me especially when I have a lot of anger towards my mom

creativeStrings1531 OP October 15th, 2022

@NoneTheWiser I have really felt comfortable with my current therapist so it is hard for me that she is getting rid of me because she said I was doing well and that my insurance will have trouble because they will think that I have made progress but I have issues with my mom from the past that I don't feel that I'll ever get over here

creativeStrings1531 OP October 16th, 2022

I hope to get a new therapist again and very soon

creativeStrings1531 OP October 30th, 2022

My therapist got rid of me I am waiting on her to send me info on peer support and crisis information she was supposed to send me a letter

creativeStrings1531 OP November 20th, 2022

I have no more therapist to see

creativeStrings1531 OP November 21st, 2022


It is hard without having a therapist right now for me hopefully I will find a new one

creativeStrings1531 OP November 23rd, 2022


It is hard for me without a therapist because of my awful feelings about my mom

creativeStrings1531 OP January 7th, 2023

I hope to get a new therapist this year

creativeStrings1531 OP February 21st, 2023

My mom gets me so excited when she says dinky dinky

creativeStrings1531 OP February 23rd, 2023

My mom gets me excited when she says dinky dinky because when the babysitters husband trapped her and they skipped around the outside of her car she said dinky dinky this is stinky let me go

creativeStrings1531 OP May 1st

I have told my therapist if I ever feel like I am going to trap my mom that I would turn myself into the police before I go through with it I would feel more comfortable turning myself into the police then going to a hospital

Fiona31 May 15th

@creativeStrings1531 hello i am fiona a listener on 7 cups im very sorry for what you are going through what you witnessed sounds like such an emotional time for you. 

creativeStrings1531 OP July 17th

I really enjoy practicing and role playing what the babysitter's husband did to my mom

creativeStrings1531 OP July 25th


What was the fight like between you and your mom

creativeStrings1531 OP August 1st

I love standing against my front door in my female cheerleader's uniform saying dinky dinky you are stinky doubt it out I am not going to let you out