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Trying to move on

blueTree4814 July 4th, 2019

I came out of an abusive relationship a few months ago and have been trying really hard to move on from it. I'm starting uni later on in the year and will be moving so I can have a fresh start as well as starting a new job. Even though I've made positive steps I cant stop thinking about all the things that happened to me.

It hits me out of the blue. For example I'll be sat in a meeting then all of a sudden I begin to relive one of the things that happened to me and I cant relax or concentrate. Its starting to have an impact on my life and I really don't want to have all my hard work taken away from me because of these moments.

I've already spoken to a doctor and am on anti depressants and anxiety tablets and I'm in the waiting list for therapy but I'm worried that by then I might have lost my job by not being able to focus when one of these monets occur (which is beginning to happen more and more often) so any tips on how to handle this would be appreciated