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"TW" The Trap

creativeStrings1531 March 21st, 2023

My mom and dad had a divorce when I was five she showed up to a babysitter's house and the babysitter's husband trapped her and chased her around the outside of her car my mom didn't have custody of my brother and I was trying to kidnap my brother and I at the time today the babysitter's husband is my hero and role model

creativeStrings1531 OP March 22nd, 2023

It was so exciting for me to watch everything that went on between the babysitters husband and my mom I enjoyed hearing her say dinky dinky let me go dinky dinky let me go as he skipped around the car around the outside of her car and when they got into her car to babysitter's husband and my mom got inside her car and had a little bit of a fight inside her car he threatened to break her arms off if she did not give up her car keys to him

creativeStrings1531 OP March 23rd, 2023

I love practicing practicing just in case my mom shows up unannounced I'd be already for her I'm dressed in a female cheerleaders uniform and a pink Victoria's secret jacket

creativeStrings1531 OP March 23rd, 2023

If I were to trap my mom the thing that I would look forward to is to hear her say dinky dinky this is stinky you let me go let me go dinky dinky this is stinky let me go as we skip around the outside of her car

creativeStrings1531 OP March 23rd, 2023

Washing the clothes that I would use to wear if I were to trap my mom and chase her around her car

creativeStrings1531 OP March 24th, 2023

Well my cheerleaders uniform is all clean and so is my Victoria's secret Pink jacket ready to get dressed and practice standing against my front door and skipping around the outside of my car so that I will be ready if my mom shows up unannounced

creativeStrings1531 OP March 24th, 2023

Well having fun practicing standing against my front door skipping around my car right now I'm saying dinky dinky you are stinky doubted out I'm not going to let you out dinky dinky you are stinky doubted out I'm not going to let you out dinky dinky you are stinky data I'm not going to let you out while I'm wearing my female cheerleaders uniform and my Victoria's secret pink jacket

creativeStrings1531 OP March 24th, 2023

Just got prepared for my practice routine I have on my cheerleaders uniform I have on my pink Victoria secret jacket after I eat dinner I'll be ready to practice standing against my front door and skipping around the outside of my car

creativeStrings1531 OP March 25th, 2023

It will be bittersweet for me if I trap my mom in real time I feel that I will not have any regrets

creativeStrings1531 OP March 25th, 2023

Dinky dinky you are stinky doubt it out I'm not going to let you out dinky dinky you are stinky doubt it out I'm not going to let you up dinky dinky you are stinky doubt it up I'm not going to let you out that's what I'll say to my mom if and when I get a chance to trap her I will enjoy it

creativeStrings1531 OP March 25th, 2023

Can't wait to say dinky dinky you are stinky doubted out I'm not going to let you out my mom whenever I go through with trapping her if she shows up unannounced

creativeStrings1531 OP March 25th, 2023

Thought that I would be able to get home from work and put on my female cheerleaders uniform and Victoria secret pink jacket and for trapping my mom and chasing her around her car but those plans are off

creativeStrings1531 OP March 25th, 2023

It is almost time for me to put on my female cheerleaders and pink Victoria secret jacket

creativeStrings1531 OP March 26th, 2023

The thought of trapping my mom and chasing her around her car just like the babysitter's husband did to her has me excited after practicing

creativeStrings1531 OP May 23rd, 2023

Well I just bought a new pair of *** that I am going to wear with my new cheerleaders uniform when I practice to trap my mom

creativeStrings1531 OP May 31st, 2023

I can't wait for my mom to show up unannounced I would be so ready to trap her

creativeStrings1531 OP July 9th, 2023

My therapist wants me to try to practice less

creativeStrings1531 OP July 18th, 2023

I love my practice time

WorkingitThrough2 July 18th, 2023


Hi Creative, I hope you don't mind me stopping by and reading your post❤️. How are you doing today? And are you going to practice today? I hope that you are taking care of your self and I love the cheerleader outfit. Were or are you now still a Cheerleader? I have to say that I agree with your therapist. We all need to rest and try to get away from the things that bother us just to give the brain a rest❤️. Always ready to support a friend, and nice meeting you. Have a wonderful day😊

creativeStrings1531 OP October 19th, 2023


I was never cheerleader but I wear the cheerleaders uniform to practice and today is a practice day I enjoy when I have practice days

WorkingitThrough2 October 19th, 2023


I am so glad that you enjoy your practice days❤️

creativeStrings1531 OP October 22nd, 2023


Practice days are always fun and exciting for me

WorkingitThrough2 October 23rd, 2023


I am glad that you like what you do. How long have you been practicing? It takes a lot of body strength❤️.

creativeStrings1531 OP October 23rd, 2023


When I practice it is usually for 7 hours and yes you have to have body strength to stand against a door

creativeStrings1531 OP November 15th, 2023

I get excited when I go to my one job cause it is close to where my mom was trapped

WorkingitThrough2 November 20th, 2023


Are there any other ways that you might consider dealing with your mom?

creativeStrings1531 OP November 26th, 2023

Not sure

WorkingitThrough2 November 29th, 2023


Hi there. How are you feeling? Have you given any thought to my question? no pressure to answer, I was just curious. I get concerned about all the energy and practice time you spend waiting for the day you can trap your mom and run her around your car.

Building your self up just for this occasion. What you are doing is hard on the body and mind and I worry about you, and the possible outcome of this. I just only ask you to consider handling this in a different way if possible.❤️🙏🏽

creativeStrings1531 OP December 10th, 2023

It doesn't feel hard on my body and I look forward to the day when I can trap her and chase her around her car

creativeStrings1531 OP December 10th, 2023

I understand the outcome of it and the consequences

WorkingitThrough2 December 10th, 2023


I know that the wounds go deep when we have been hurt very badly by someone we care about. You have suffered long enough, and I get the emotions that brew up like volcanic ash, wanting to pay them back for the damage they have done to us. I know I was hurting just you from my mom's abuse, but I still struggle with the scars and the triggers that torment me constantly.

However, it was only recently that I realized the power and control that I was feeding her to keep me trapped in a world of hatred and confusion. I suddenly realized that I was still allowing her to control me and my emotions. I still remember and will always remember what she done to me but I no longer have the urge to do harm or to get back at her. I can honestly say that I am free from the hate. I let go of the poison she had fed me all my life. I still have many issues, but that is one that I can now lay to rest.🙏🏽. I pray for you that our Powerful, Almighty Creator will do the same for you.

You were a mere innocent child when this happened, and now you have grown up, and the pain is so evident that it is infecting your ability to let her go and place her in the hands of the Creator, who will repay us for our deeds, good or bad.

I hope this does not hamper the relationship I am trying to establish with you. You are valuable and worthy to be Loved and validated. Life is short and we can not let our abusers win this battle, ❤️😊

creativeStrings1531 OP December 13th, 2023

My therapist told me to write down how I feel when I practice my routine

WorkingitThrough2 December 13th, 2023


Hi, how do you feel?❤️

creativeStrings1531 OP December 16th, 2023

I feel good about this assignment

WorkingitThrough2 December 21st, 2023


I am glad that you and the Therapist are working together and that you like the assignment she gave you😊. Looking forward to your next reply❤️

creativeStrings1531 OP January 26th

I am really enjoying my writing assignment that my therapist has me doing about how I feel as I do my practicing of standing against my front door and skipping around the outside of my car

WorkingitThrough2 January 27th


I am so glad you have a therapist helping you explore your workouts with her. What kind of work do you do? and what kind of car do you like to drive or that you would like to own someday?❤️🚗. I would like to own a two-seater sports car with a convertible top😊.

creativeStrings1531 OP February 1st

My therapist asked me how I would keep my mom I safe if I ever felt like I was going to really go through with trapping my mom and I told my therapist that I would take myself to the police I also am still working on my writing assignment

creativeStrings1531 OP February 28th

I did my writing assignment for my therapist and it felt good to do it and then she asked me how I was going to keep me and my mom safe if I felt like I was going to really trap my mom and I told her that I would turn myself into the police which I would feel more comfortable doing then going to a hospital

WorkingitThrough2 March 17th


I am so proud of you😊❤️Great Job

creativeStrings1531 OP March 26th

Yes I would definitely feel comfortable turning myself into the police and hopefully going to jail